Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

A Mk IV Churchill was, in of itself, a comfortable tank. Especially with modern engineering, one could take more pristine conditions for the crew. However Darjeeling was loath to stay seated for another hour of driving. Her bottom was sore and her patience wearing thin. No one had made her mad, it was the constant sitting for four hours that infuriated her, and with that knowledge Darjeeling decided. She grabbed her radio and opened a channel to the entire company.

"This is Darjeeling, all tanks veer to the right inside the tree line by the boulders." Darjeeling cut herself off before any one could through an acknowledgement. However every tank followed her orders and turned into the tree line.

Darjeeling exited the Churchill and landed on the ground. She then proceeded to stretch her whole body, from her back to her legs, and even her smaller muscles. After a few moments Darjeeling noticed Kay moving over to her inquisitively.

"What's up Dar? Did you see something off in the distance?" Kay asked.

"No Kay, I simply decided to take a rest and stretch. Sitting in a tank for four hours while in motion isn't the most comfortable thing." Darjeeling said.

Kay raised an eyebrow but nodded understandingly. "I guess a small pitstop won't hurt. Besides the Sherman isn't queen size bed comfortable as some people make it out to be." Kay said.

"I take it you would have done the same thing as I did a few minutes later yes? With all the patrols we were supposed to run into I believe that our nerves are on an all time high." Darjeeling said.

"Plus with a giant cannon out there that could hit us at any time, I fear when that would exactly happen." Kay said.

Darjeeling nodded. The lack of Federation patrols had been nerve racking, but all had been quiet. In fact the mission was to remain undetected for as long as possible. The whole mission would be FUBAR if they were discovered to early.

"Hey, you hear that." Alisa commented.

The ground went quiet. No one could hear anything. Until the sound of an engine grew louder. The girls would look at each other and sprint back to their vehicles. No panic ensued, the girls were better than that, but the chance of being found out was not the most favorable in terms of odds. However the engines roar grew louder by the second. They would make eye contact soon. Darjeeling had just gotten into the Commanders Hatch before a group of bushes were pushed over and squashed by the thick treads of a heavy tank.

Though immediately this was shown as no ordinary heavy tank. It was an M6 Heavy Tank. And only one school had decided to supply themselves with those. Commander Davis emerged from his own Commanders Hatch with an equally shocked look on his face. but not far behind him rolled an E-75. Rivers was here too? What was going on? Did Edward decide to send two teams out to find the cannon? If so, then why not mention it to the other team? Why keep it secret?

"C-commander Darjeeling? What a surprise?" Davis asked as if it would have been a question.

"I, I can say the feeling is mutual Commander Davis. What brings you here?" Darjeeling asked.

"Orders from Ed. He wanted us to find the Cannon and destroy it." Davis said.

"Meaning rip it apart right?" Kay said walking to the front of Davis's tank.

"Yes, exactly. What is going on?" Davis said.

"I believe I have a theory." Assam said emerging from the Churchill. "Commander Edward assigned both teams with out the forward knowledge to the other team. With that in mind the only surmise I could have is that Commander Edward doesn't feel completely sure of the success of only sending one team to accomplish such a mission."

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