Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The turnout was amazing. Eleven Schools showed up agreeing to enter the Match against the Americans. All the major schools were there. St. Gloriana, Saunders, Kuromorimine, Pravda and Ooarai were there. Several minor schools like Chi-Ha-Tan, Anzio, Count, BC Freedom and Maple were there. Even the University team lead by Alice Shimada was there. Of course, Chiyo Shimada would want her team to keep Sensha Do Sacred.

All schools sat in front of a large screen standing behind a platform. On said platform was the Sensha Do Federation Directors. All four of them. Shichiro looked troubled but Shiho Nishizumi and Chiyo Shimada looked very satisfied at the number of girls in front of them. Ami Chono had a neutral expression on her face awaiting the start. However, that dastard Renta Tsuji was sitting upon the stage as well. It brought a sickening feeling to Miho's stomach.

Shiho stood from her seat and walked over to the microphone. "Thank you all for presenting yourselves today. I'm sure you all know why you're here but as to the reason so many schools for a single match have arrived might be confusing." Shiho said.

She clicked a button on a remote and the screen behind her flickered to life with a symbol on it. The symbol was a man standing on a tank with an American flag in hand. This was the symbol for the American Tankery Association.

"Yes, The Sensha Do Federation has scheduled a match with the American Tankery Association. However, the reason for this match was not really given out but some of you have dug a little deeper. Yes, we are pushing for this match to dismantle the American Tankery Association and all the activities of Sensha Do in America permanently." Shiho said.

Miho looked around. Some of the girls like Nishi from Chi-Ha-Tan looked confused while those from Kuromorimine and Pravda looked on knowingly. Miho was no exception. She knew why this match was being ruled around like this.

"The very core of Sensha Do is to give a young woman a sense of Individuality and Maturity in one's life. Sensha Do itself is very feminine and beautiful. And the mere fact that boys are aloud to participate in a 'mod' version of our beloved sport is an insult itself." Shiho said.

This got the girls from the more traditional school amped up. They began to shout agrees with Miho's mother.

"Now that the why has been established I will turn the stand over to Ms. Shimada for instructions on your trip." Shiho said. This confused the girls. They never heard of a trip.

"Hello girls. Yes, this War Game has been decided to be played on a very desolate island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Its around one hundred and twenty square miles and has some rural towns and one major city on it. This island is called Tomodachi Isle. Or Friend Island in America. The island was chosen for its historically significant. The island was governed by both Japan and America during the war and the Island inhabitants refused to partake in it due to their relations with each other. This island has cultures of both countries and has the respect of both as well. Now it is important to know this trip, as well as the Match itself, will take one whole year." Chiyo said.

All girls were shocked. "We have talked with MEXT to give you all the year for the game. It is rather complicated on the matter of education, but we will have that worked out before the match ends. Now I will give the stand over to Ms. Chono." Chiyo said leaving and sitting down.

Ami Chono now stood on the podium. "Alright, now for strategy. Your team will be known as the Federation Team. You will be designated by your school as one of the team's units. While the Americans are going as the Association Team. You girls will start in control of the town Mishima, while the Americans will start in the town of Glendale. Now the match itself is neither Flag Tank nor Annihilation. It is an American mode called Battlefront. Allow me to explain.

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