Chapter 34

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I took a deep breath before speaking, "Ho-w, how did you do it? Act like you don't care?"

He looked hurt, "How could you even say that? Of course I did care!" He spoke.

"Oh, did you? If you did, you wouldn't have helped Steph, why were you even doing it? Was getting me pregnant a part of the plan too?" I cried out.

"I did it because, Steph's one rich ass bitch.In the starting when you moved schools, I knew her, she knew that my 6 year old sister had cancer, I needed the money Jazz!" He said trying to explain himself.

I though about it, I never knew his sister had cancer, I didn't even know he had a sister. How could he keep something like this from me?

"D your rich now, why didn't you just stop, or at least tell me so I wouldn't have fucking feel in love with you for god's sake!" My breathing was picking up a pace and my head was starting to pound.

"I can't back out, she kept track of my sister, she's in the hospital, if I don't help her she'll get my sister killed!" He said, as tears started to gather in his eyes.

It's just an act Jasmine, don't fall for it.

"Inform the police, what are they for?" I asked, bringing a hand to my temples and rubbing lightly to try and ease the pain.

"I can;t Jazz, try to understand, she would hurt my family, and you, she has many people linked to her, and I don't want to you lose you, my sister, or family!" He responded.

"You didn't want to lose me? Guess what you already lost me. Now, tell me was getting me pregnant part of the damn plan?" I asked, wiping the tears away, I wasn't going to cry, I was going to stay strong, for the baby, my baby.

"No, no it wasn't" He started, "But as soon as Steph found out, she got the weak point for you, she was going to kill the baby. Remember the day Noelle got poisoned?"

I nodded, and he continued, "It was actually meant for you, it was going the kill the baby, you would have been fine."

"What the actual fuck?! You knew and you didn't try to warn us about it? Try to protect your baby, your girlfriend or me?" Noelle yelled shoving Deira away from me.

"How can you be so cruel Deria, I can't believe I actually loved you, you were going to kill a person before he or she even had the chance to see the world? To feel loved, or to get taken care of? I can't believe you were going to do this to me, to Noelle. We were there for you whenever you need us." I said, and walked up to him, placing my hand on his cheek.

I looked into his eyes, this was the same man I fell in love with, had the best time of my life with, who I'm going to have a baby with. Never did I think that a day would come where we would have to teared apart. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop the tears.

"I did care, no, I do care, that's why I was going to tell you, I just wish that I told you a bit sooner. I wasn't attached to you at first but I felt my self grow closer and closer to you, I fell in love with you, and I still am in love with you Jasmine."

I open my eyes and see tears streaming down his face, "Please stop lying to me D, for all I know this could be a part of your plan too, but I am done with you. You made me fall for you when you had no intention of catching me. You're not sorry you did this, you're sorry that I found out."

I turned around and left the room, pressing a hand to my mouth to stop my sobbing.


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