Chapter 21

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Noelle's P.O.V:


My alarm clock went off, and I lazily shut it off with a free hand. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After washing face and brushing my teeth I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Jasmine

"Morning babes." She said looking up from her phone.


I poured my self a bowl of cereal and sat down. I used my phone with my free hand scrolling trough twitter and replying to some fans.


"Shut up your soo loud and you just ruined the song" I groaned.

"Well, someone's on their period, or is just not a morning person" He snapped.

"Bothh" Rafaella said entering the kitchen.

"Right now you must be like...periods, of all things why blood? Why not fairy dust or smething" Deira said high fiving Austin who walked into the kitchen. Why the hell would I want fairy dust coming out my -?

"Shut up. Your PMS jokes are not funny" I said and looked back down at my phone.

"I can't help it they just flow out of my mouth." He said shrugging his shoulders. I stuck my special finger out to him and he laughed.

"Come on its just a little blood."

"Your disgusting."

"I thinking I'm bloody amazing"

"Your obnoxiuos"

"You need to lighten up and learn to go with the flow"."

"Can you stop making menstrual jokes?!" I snapped getting pissed.

"I'm not making jokes. PERIOD." Deira said smirking

"I'll be back" I said getting up.

"Plug yourself properly okay, we don't want any leaks." Deira said snickering.

"If you don't stop making menstrual jokes I will shove a tampon down your throat." I hissed and he put his hands up in surrender.

I went to my room and took a bath, and got dressed for lazy day, wearing sweatpants and a tank top. I went downstairs and sat on the couch beside Jasmine. Austin and Rafaella were sitting on the 2 seater, and Deira went somewhere.

"Where's Neymar?" Austin asked.

"He is at practise they have a match against Villarreal tomorrow" Rafaella answered.

Oh, I was hoping to see Neymar.Jasmine probably noticed the frown on my face.

"Glad, your taking my advice and moving on. I know you have feelings for Neymar, so don't push them away." She told me.

"Yeah, I'm trying, but what if he hurts me?"

"He wouldn't. I can see it in his eyes, he is a great guy and would do anything to make sure your all his." She said smiling. I smiled back, and focused on the movie.

After watching the Purge 2, 22 Jump Street, and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, it was 8:00pm and Neymar was still not home.

"Let's eat, I think Neymar will be late, and Deira is not even here." Rafaella said. We went into the kitchen and got ourselfs pasta salad. noodles, and lasagna. While eating I was scrolling through twiter, and saw the Worldwide trend 'Nruna Back'

The curious person I am, I clicked on it and saw that it was Neymar and Bruna's ship name. I was scrolling through, and a few pictures of them appeared at a coffe shop, and mall today. But 1 specific picture caught my eye.

It was a picture of Neymar and Bruna kissing

I don't know why but that broke my heart, I ran into my room, locking the door.

Right when I start feeling again. Why am I even crying? Why is it affecting me so much? I should have known he is too good for me.

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