
"How do you guys know he likes me back?"


"We just do 💆‍♂ "


"Anyways, be well dressed (ig) and be straight forward"


"If you want, a little gift? Like, some people like flowers or chocolate"


"I agree with Hoseok but idk about the gift part, I'm not good with gifts"


"Well don't worry about it then, just confess and maybe hang out with him later, watch a movie or something"


"Okay, thank you, I'll keep you guys updated"


"Please and thank you"


"Good luck"


"I hope everything goes well 😩"


"Thank you"

"You have to be well dressed" Yoongi mumbled to himself, standing up from his bed and walking to his closet to look for some clothes.

He chose light blue jeans with an oversized long sleeve shirt. He thought he looked good, now he just needed for the time to come.

Yoongi was afraid of Jungkook's reaction. His friends reassured him that Jungkook liked him back and he even saw some people on Instagram and on Twitter saying they looked at each other like they were in love but he still doubted it. How could such a precious boy like him?

So many thoughts were overwhelming him, he started to think he shouldn't confess, that he should just keep quiet about his feelings.

He realized he needed to confess. If Jungkook did have a crush on him and he didn't confess, the younger boy would lose interest in Yoongi, that would be


I have something planned today and if it doesn't go well, I will be upset. If it does go well, I will tell you. Also, I'm thinking I should dye my hair again, what color do you guys recommend?

 Also, I'm thinking I should dye my hair again, what color do you guys recommend?

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