Chapter 4

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*Time lapse: After one week*

Jk stood in front of a mansion, feeling nervousness rush through his veins. He tried to conceal his anxiety from others, but in reality, he was never able to stop it from taking over his mind.

He shook his head once and knocked at the door. Through the intercom, a sweet yet stern female voice was heard.

"Hello. Can you please state your name and your business for coming here?"

"Hello, my name is Jeon Jungkook and I came here regarding the news that Mr. Kim wanted to hire a trainer for his son." Jk answered with a respectable voice, unlike his professional one.

"Please wait for a moment outside, one of the guards are going to check whether you have any weapons with you or not." She answered in the same tone, as she still didn't trust him.

After a few seconds, a stoic looking person came out with a metal detecting device. He thoroughly searched Jk and nodded as a sign to show that he could enter into the mansion now.

Jk nodded back before entering. When he came inside, he took a moment to take in the sight of one of the biggest mafia leader's house.

The dwelling was very appealing from inside and gave vibes which conveyed that this was owned by a kind business man instead of a mafia leader. The mansion was full of servants and there were noises coming from different rooms which gave out a very warm feeling like the kind that takes over your heart and make you feel at ease. The walls were pure white and the right side wall served as a background for pictures that were attached to it. There was a large space in between where some fancy tables were placed, and from the both sides, elegant stairs curved upwards to take you on to the next level of the house. The mansion didn't have many floors. However, it was very vast in width and probably had more space from what it seemed to be. The roof was domed that made the already huge house, more magnificent and humongous.

 The roof was domed that made the already huge house, more magnificent and humongous

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(Kinda like this

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(Kinda like this. Just imagine it being more vast and filled with people)

A young lady came towards Jk and, after bowing to him respectably, took him to the upper floor. She turned right after climbing up, with Jk on her heels. At the very end of the hall, there was a room and she left Jk there.

Before entering inside, he checked himself one last time to see if he looked presentable enough in a white shirt with a black leather jacket over it and black jeans which finished the look.

Before entering inside, he checked himself one last time to see if he looked presentable enough in a white shirt with a black leather jacket over it and black jeans which finished the look

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Jk knocked twice at the door when he was sure that he looked more representable than an actor playing a role of a trainer. From inside, a husky voice granted permission by saying, "Come in."

Jk slowly opened the door, preparing himself so that he won't show any signs of shock or hate. However, when his eyes fell on the middle-aged man sitting behind the posh office desk, he still tensed up as if he was readying himself to be hit by something powerful.

Mr. Kim looked up from his laptop and smiled charmingly towards Jk and beckoned him to sit down in front of him. As an answer to his hint, Jk smiled back and sat down boldly.

"So...are you the one I was looking for?" Mr. Kim asked with a slight raise of his eyebrows.

"I don't know, am I?" Jk asked back while leaning backwards on his chair, swinging it from side to side.

"Yes, you are. Didn't know a person could have earned my respect just by one line." Mr. Kim chuckled and looked at him with profound admiration.

"Ah, I am honoured to hear that."

"You should be. Now, give me small introduction about yourself and then I will read your files so that I can decide that are you capable for the job or not."

Jk exhaled slowly to relax his tensed muscles and went into a whole professional mode to describe himself, "Sir, my name is Jeon Jungkook. You can call me whatever you want to. I am 23 years old and I have had taken many courses of fighting. I am a black belt in Taekwondo and also a qualified Kung-Fu fighter. I am currently giving courses to young boys at Seoul Martial Arts Academy. Other information regarding from where I have taken classes and my other achievements are written in this file."

Jk ended his intro by placing the documents in front of Mr. Kim. He took them in his hands and started reading them thoroughly.

"Ah, I see. You know many things like shooting, fighting, self defense and even sword fighting. You have also taken classes from well known academies and centers. Well, I am impressed by you, Mr. Jeon. You are hired. However, some of my staff will be taking an eye over you at unexpected times. Be prepared. You can go now. My secretary will take you to meet my youngest son."

Jk felt pride rush through his body, and his muscles finally relaxed. He got up and, with a final nod directed towards Mr. Kim, he made his way towards the door.

"Wait a second, Mr. Jeon."

Jk halted and gulped, thinking that he had made a mistake of some kind. Dark thoughts started coming in his mind, no matter how hard he tried to hold them back. He spun around with a smile and a questioning expression on his face, despite his inner condition.

"I, and everyone else, will call you Jungkook from now on. I hope you are okay with it."

Jk felt the negative thoughts flowing away from his mind as he grinned genuinely towards his ‘dear’ hirer.

"No problem, Mr. Kim. No problem at all."

An introduction to Mr. Kim in this chapter ^^. The next chapter will be interesting, hopefully.

Anyways, thank you for reading this. If you liked it, don't forget to vote and don't hesitate to leave your opinion about this chapter. Have a great day 💜

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