Chapter 24

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Dinner was ready in the household of the Kim family. It was the same routine that day as well; first, dinner and after that everyone went on their own ways.

All of them gathered at the dining table, when it was the time for dinner, except Taehyung. It was a rule in the family that even if one member living in the mansion hasn't joined the dinner, or lunch, the whole family didn't eat.

As they waited for Taehyung, Jungkook started getting conscious because he knew that even though Taehyung never arrived somewhere before time, he also hated getting late.

However, Taehyung arrived after 5 minutes with a smile on his face and everyone started eating the food displayed before them. But Jungkook noticed there was something going on with him. He was unusually very quiet today, and he kept playing with his small amount of food.

Jungkook wanted to ask him about it, wanted to say something to console the other but he hadn't forgotten about yesterday (I am talking about the party) so he did nothing except refraining himself. The only thing he allowed himself to do was to keep glancing at Taehyung through the corner of his eyes.

And then came the time when everyone left the table except Taehyung, excluding Jungkook who was standing near the end of the stairs.

Thankfully, Taehyung had eaten all of his food and was successful in pretending that he was okay. But now, since everyone was gone, he finally pulled off the mask he was wearing and slouched miserably.

Jungkook thought that he should leave him alone and he braced himself to leave, despite his heart was telling him to go towards the other.

"Wait, Jungkook..."

When he was finally going to climb the stairs, Taehyung spoke to him directly which was the first time since the party. Jungkook looked around, expecting Taehyung looking at him with his brown almond eyes but he was looking towards his lap.

"Yeah?" Jungkook asked, still standing near the bottom of the stairs.

"Can you sit down for a moment?"

To say that it was incredibly weird would be an understatement. It was unusual in itself that Taehyung wasn't being his usual sassy self and now he seemed so serious from the tone of his voice. Nonetheless, Jungkook sat beside Taehyung as he had asked him to.

There was silence in the hall. There were no servants roaming around, as if they had sensed the tense situation. Even Evangeline was no where to be seen.

Then Taehyung broke the awkward, uncomfortable silence by saying, "I am sorry."

"Huh?" Jungkook turned his face towards Taehyung's direction so hardly and quickly that he slightly cracked his neck.

"I said I am sorry."

At that moment, Jungkook understood that the emotion in Taehyung's voice, which made his tone serious, was guilt.

"Why? Why are you sorry?" He knew why the other was sorry but he wanted to hear the words, wanted to hear the way Taehyung would speak to ease the pain in his heart, which he didn't even realize was there.

"I am sorry. I am sorry that I left you. I am sorry that I made you feel lonely, unwelcomed and went with Shawn to dance. I am sorry that you weren't able to enjoy the party because of me. I am sorry that I didn't allow you to go to the private room and then ended up departing myself. I am feeling so hurt, Jungkook, because of my own actions."

Through all of this Taehyung didn't look up, not even for a second. He kept staring at his lap, out of embarrassment and guilt.

"It's fine." Jungkook said with a soothing voice causing Taehyung to look at him. He wasn't crying but his emotions were clear in his eyes and there was nothing in them except the pain and hurt caused by his own ego.

"You don't have to apologise, Tae. It's fine. I am sorry too that I left without telling you myself. It's just that I wasn't feeling well at all. There is no other reason beside that and I did tell Yoongi but it didn't cross my mind that you would have felt guilty over it."

Relief was shown in Taehyung's eyes like a fresh stroke of a brush. Still there was something else, something close to disappointment.

" weren't feeling okay? Was that the reason you left?"

"Yes. That's it." Jungkook nodded and smiled.

"How are you now?" Taehyung's pupils darted over the other's face. "Are you fine?"

"I am completely okay. You should go now and sleep. It seems that you haven't even taken a nap since early morning and Evangeline had told me that you were doing some work."

"Yeah, and I have to do the same work tomorrow. Actually, I train from Monday to Friday, as you already know, and then during the weekends there are some tasks that father assign. Ah, poor us. May God have mercy upon us."

Jungkook smiled at the usual drama and said, "You are not the only one who has to do a lot of work."

"Well, I didn't say that. I am only begging of mercy and peace but they have already been snatched away from me since the day you became my trainer. Curse you, Jungkook." Taehyung left after shooting an outrageous look at Jungkook.

The other sighed when he was all alone but smiled genuinely for the third time in just 10 minutes, which was probably a first for him.

Y'all thought that everything is going to be lovey-dovey between Jungkook and Taehyung? Ha! Jungkook is still in denial, bitches!

I am gonna take this story slow so that you all can see the little, step by step, progress of their love and relationship.

If you have any questions, don't feel hesitant to ask me. I welcome every kind of remark, every theory, except hate.

Also...Trainer hit 1.01K reads...OMFG TYSM TO EACH ONE OF YOU! This is just so special to me! Every read, every vote motivates me like heck!! Just...I love you all 😔💜💜🌏

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