Chapter 7

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The next day, which happened to be Monday, was scheduled to be Taehyung's first training session as a mafia.

Jungkook got up at 5:00 am which was the usual time he woke up in morning. After doing all necessary things a normal person does, he went to find that secretary of Mr. Kim.

After looking around for a while, he found her in the kitchen, which was located at the left of bottom floor, looking over the chefs working there to make breakfast for the whole Kim family.

Once she saw Jungkook coming, she went towards him and, with a smile on her face, said, "Good morning, sir. What should I do for you?"

Jungkook answered, "Well, can you please guide me to the training room? And tell me your name too, as I haven't asked you yet."

That lady's smile got wider and it made her look more younger and prettier. "My name is Evangeline. Call me whatever your heart pleases with. And sure, I will lead you to the training room. But don't you want to grab some breakfast, first?"

Jungkook shook his head and replied, "No, I don't usually eat a big meal in the morning. I did grab some snacks which I brought with myself so don't worry."

That more or less ended the conversation as Evangeline led Jungkook to the basement. There was a secret trap door at the right side of the left stairs which led to the training center/basement.

It was a spacious room with rough floor and a black coloured ceiling. There were different kinds of equipments in there like: boxing bag, fighting pad, boxer gloves, every kind of fitness machine, targets (with daggers), weights, yoga carpets and, the most important thing, guns.

 There were different kinds of equipments in there like: boxing bag, fighting pad, boxer gloves, every kind of fitness machine, targets (with daggers), weights, yoga carpets and, the most important thing, guns

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{For better imagination :)}

Evangeline, after asking permission, left Jungkook. He roamed around the whole gymnasium/training room while thinking about the session he had prepared.

As he was getting bored, he took off his black leather jacket, leaving himself in a tight, black shirt, and started punching the boxing bag.

Jungkook didn't even realize that he had been practicing for a while, until Taehyung came downstairs with a donut in his hand.

"Good morning," Taehyung said in a bubbly voice. But much to his disappointment, no reply came from the other.

"I said, 'Good morning.' Don't you dare ignore me!"

Jungkook stopped punching and looked at him. "Good morning," he said while giving him a fake smile.

"Stop doing that. You look horrendous, for goodness's sake!" Taehyung looked at him with disgust written all over his face.

"Whatever. Let's start with the training. I don't want to waste my time having silly arguments with a child."

"Wait a goddamn second- you didn't just called me a child now, did you?" Taehyung snorted.

TRAINER- Taekook Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now