Chapter 38

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Kim Ji-hoon called Yoongi, Jungkook and Taehyung outside through Evangeline. They were told that he had to say something important.

When they came out, they saw him standing downstairs, talking with someone on the phone. All three of them made their way towards him and waited for him to end the call.

As soon as the call was ended, Yoongi asked, "What's the matter, Dad?"

It was evident from the shaking of his eyes and the sweat rolling on his forehead that he was nervous. He spoke hesitantly, "Umm...there are two things. First is that I think I know who the murderer is..."

"Who is it?" Yoongi asked while Taehyung only looked at his father with misty eyes.


"What?!" Jungkook asked sharply but then caught his tone, changed it and said, "How do you know?"

"Jungkook, Jk is my worst enemy. I don't think anyone has anything to do with the murder of Jin, except him."

Jungkook didn't say anything because, if he would, it would be suspicious but he wanted to defend himself. He never killed anyone who was innocent and Jin? He was like a very close friend of his now. How could he do that? Even the idea of killing Jin had revolted him when Andrew-

Andrew...was he the one who killed Jin? Jungkook thought as the sudden realization hit him.

"I will kill him. I will Jk. He won't be forgiven for such a crime. I will shoot him." Taehyung continued to mumble incoherently about his revenge with no mercy shown in his eyes.

Jungkook really wanted to shout in his defense and to tell everyone that he didn't commit such a sin but he couldn't, because of the circumstance the fate had created for him.

"But, Dad, Namjoon also went with Jin! What happened to him?" Yoongi asked fearfully.

"He is in the hospital. I found out from a source that he tried to save Jin by coming in the way but Jk's men injured him pretty badly, while my son was killed. Namjoon has broken ribs and some minor injuries. Thankfully, there wasn't any ripped organs or internal bleeding so he will be fine."

Relief washed over all three of them, grateful that someone was alive, that someone hadn't died just when he had started living his life.

"What was the other thing you wanted to say?" Jungkook asked.

"This is a bit complicated..." Ji-hoon hesitated.

"Then explain!" Yoongi said coldly.

"I can't pick up Jin's body after the postmortem."

"WHAT? WHY?" Yoongi yelled loudly while Jungkook and Taehyung looked at him with unbelieving eyes.

"Because there is a high risk that if I go to the police to collect the body from postmortem I can get arrested."

"Dad! Are you in your senses? My and Tae's brother has died! Your son has been murdered! How can you think like that? And if you are too scared to be caught, then come with a tactic to fool the police. You are a mafia leader, for goodness's sake!" Yoongi continued to speak harshly, looking like he will break the ground and tear the sky apart.

"I don't know what to do, damn it!" Ji-hoon said as he pulled his hair with both of hands out of frustration.

That was too much for Jungkook. He couldn't see Yoongi and Taehyung in such misery so he shared his plan, "I have an idea. You can send one of your men to the police quarters and tell him to collect the body. Give him birth certificates or some proof which wouldn't expose your living area but would trick the police in giving you Jin's body."

Kim Ji-hoon went silent as he thought about the plan and, after going through it in his mind, felt at ease. "That's brilliant! I have such fake documents which I had used in previous situations too. Thank you, Jungkook." He hurried in his office and called one of his disposable men to instruct him clearly about what he had to do.

Yoongi looked at Jungkook with increased respect and gratitude and hugged him.

No words were needed; just a simple hug was enough to convey how thankful Yoongi felt to Jungkook, who was taken aback by such a touching gesture.


The 4 men Ji-hoon had sent, came with a wood coloured coffin and Jin's clothes that he wore on his date night which turned into his death.

Everyone was at the main hall when they came in and silent fell over everyone. The men placed the casket in the center of the floor and went away to stand in the corner.

Ji-hoon came towards the casket with slow, uncertain steps. With shaking hands, and tearful eyes, he opened the first half of the coffin which gave access to Jin's upper body.

Jin was laying there, sleeping peacefully, with a tranquil resting expression on his face. It was as if he was smiling, finally contented with his situation. He slept on white, feathery velvet, literally looking an angel of peace and happiness.

Yoongi came forward and sat on the right of Jin's head while Jungkook looked at the beautiful corpse from a little distance.

However, Taehyung wasn't looking at Jin. He was looking at Jin's clothes which were covered in blood so much that they turned from a light blue shirt into pinkish-red. The blood spilled looking like a very pretty, splashed, paint colour.

Suddenly, after studying his brother's clothes, Taehyung started shaking his head. "No, this isn't Jin's clothes. No!"

Yoongi looked at his younger sibling with so much love and pain in his eyes, and didn't say anything. He knew how the other was feeling; unable to believe what was happening, unable to accept the reality because it was too harsh.

Jungkook went near Taehyung and kept his hand on his back as a calming gesture.

Taehyung turned to him and looked at him with raw eyes. "No, Jungkook. Just wait. After a few seconds, Jin will stand up and tell all of us that it was his prank, a very horrible one, to be exact. And then I will hit him. I will hit him with all of my might."

For the first time, Taehyung looked at Jin since the casket was brought to the mansion. He came towards his late brother with long strides and said, "Why are you not waking, Hyung? Do you hate me? Am I not a good younger brother? I swear I will be a better sibling. I swear I will give you compliments all the time and laugh on your jokes. I will take care of you Jin, like a mother."

Taehyung smiled while saying all of that but his beam turned into anguishing. And he let out a long, high-pitched wail as he slid down to his knees near the ending edge of Jin's cot.


The continuous wails and cries of pain and longing reverberated due to the walls of a mourning house. The tears caused others to break down, their guards as well.

Jungkook went towards Taehyung and, as before, clutched him in his arms with softness yet protectively. He sat there, rocking them both, while he silently cried and went over all the times Jin had made him laugh, the times he had thought that Jin would probably be a very loving elder brother. The moments he had smiled and chuckled because of the particular person, despite the fact that it was almost impossible to make him do that.

The habitants living in the house shed countless tears, being in their most vulnerable state, as the huge box holding the body of an eldest son, of an eldest brother and friend, and of a perfect boyfriend, laid there in the center of the house.

Fun fact: My bff came up with this idea to kill Jin. (She is a freaking JINius)

I have got nothing to say except be sorry for Jungkook/Jk in this chapter, sooo I hope you like this chapter. Have a great day/night 💜💜

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