"Leah?" I heard the familiar voice, Max. I turned away from him, not ready to see anyone.


"Leah!" I look around the empty vast area of the beach, looking for her "Leah!" I shout her name again.

She left me this morning without telling anyone were she was going, she left by dawn when no one as woken up. I came to the beach knowing she comes her to clear her head.

I look around again when i saw the small figure sitting on the ground curled up. It's her. She sat really close to the waves away from the eyes of everyone. I run up to her.

"Oh Leah... Thank God you are okay.... We were so worried" I said but stopped when i saw her swollen eyes and red cheeks.

"They withdrew my scholarship" she said out of the blue as my eyes widen in shock.

"What?" I blurt out as i sat numbly beside her.

"The family who gave me the scholarship withdrew it, i won't be going to CSU anymore" she said looking and sounding numb.

"You can't be serious" I shake my head in denial, she laughs quietly not sounding hilarious.

"The letter is in the living room back home, Rosalia" she states looking serious as she looks out to the sea.

"But why?!"

"I don't know Rosa! Maybe no one is ready to sponsor a liar or a slut like me!" She snaps as i shake my head.

"You are not any of those words  girl"

"Then what am I?! Do you think i don't hear what people are saying?,that am trying to tarnish his image... Maybe it's all my fault,maybe am a whore, maybe i seduced him__"

"No never say that about yourself young lady"

She looks at me for a moment then burst into tears, she holds her head in her hand giving me the good view of the scar on her hairline that was hidden by the gauze.

"Come let's go home.."

"No! Am not going anywhere! Am not leaving her until i find out why am being punished this way!" I sigh, shivering due to the cool breeze. Am worried about her due to the poor weather.

"You are not going to find your answers here, Leah"

"God!" She screamed out crying as i flinched at her outburst "why me!? Have i not served you enough?! Have always listened!, have always helped and been good to people! Why do i deserve this?!" She screamed out into space. Tears cloud my vision due to her state. She looks frustrated and... Broken.

Her eyes doesn't have that happy glint anymore, it is clouded with sadness and loneliness... Loneliness of the heart. I know this feeling... She is heartbroken, she is in pain.

"When Alejandro broke up with me... I felt lost" I spoke up. She turns to look at me, she wipes her tears as she scooch closer. She must be surprised, this is the first time i spoke up. "He told me we should stop seeing each other, he said he got bored.. That i don't do it for him anymore. I remember going on a date with him that same week, he told me how much he loved me... Yet, he dumped me. After i gave him my everything, after i did everything to satisfy him" I sigh recalling that horrible morning.

I turn to see Leah looking at me with pity in her eyes, i smile.

"Don't pity me girlfriend... What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, i know you are heartbroken right now but you just have to pick the pieces and move on... You got a whole life ahead of you, don't let this incident stop you" she looks away thinking. "He might have broken your heart, he might of broken your trust but trust me, not every man is like that. You are going to meet a wonderful man who will love you with all your past and scars... Just focus on the future, okay?" She nods

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