llv. cornish pixies

Start from the beginning

Tori sat next to Angelina in this class, staring at the painting of Lockhart painting Lockhart. Weird.

"I see you've all brought my books. So just to see how much you've all read up, for class reasons, I'm going to be giving you all a little pop quiz!"

He proceeded to talk while passing out his little quizzes. Tori flipped through it, seeing it was three pages... and all about him?

Question one: What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

Question two: What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

Question three: What, in your opinion, is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?

She glanced at Angelina, who looked as confused as Tori. Angelina rolled her eyes as Lockhart announced that they had thirty minutes to finish.

Tori stared at the sheet blankly. How was she supposed to know any of this? She decided to just make things up, it seemed more fun anyway.

Question fifteen: How many times did Gilderoy Lockhart win Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award?

Once, he had spinach in his teeth.

Question sixteen: What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite thing?

A mirror, so he can stare at his face.

Tori heard a giggle from behind her and looked over her shoulder to see a Hufflepuff girl covering her mouth. She was looking at Tori's paper and laughing.

Tori grinned before turning back. Lockhart was to busy staring at himself in the mirror to notice. She went back to her work, finishing it only moments before Lockhart started collecting it.

"Ah, it seems many of you have forgotten my favorite color is Lilac... though I do enjoy some of the creative choices some of you came up with... hmm, ah, very funny! Nice choice for my favorite thing... Miss Silvers! While I do enjoy mirrors, I'd say my favorite thing is going on my many adventures. Nice try! Where is Miss Tori Silvers?"

Tori hesitated before raising her hand. Lockhart grinned, nodding along as he read the other's papers. Tori put her head into her hands, smiling widely. She wasn't expecting him to read them aloud.

"Now, now, settle down, students. Today, we'll be learning about... Cornish pixies!" He pulled a cloaked caged and unveiled the pixies. They were electric blue and about eight inches high, with pointed faces and voices so shrill it was like listening to a lot of budgies arguing

"Are they...? Are they dangerous?" Someone from the back asked him. Lockhart grinned, "I'll let you decide..." He swiftly opened the latch, letting the swarming pixies into the room.

Everyone immediately panicked, screaming, and running around. The pixies went nuts, they were crashing through books and rushing towards students.

Two began yanking one Angelina's hair. She wiped around, trying to get them off. "Ow!" She screamed, flailing her arms around. The twins rushed over, trying to help Tori and her. "What do we do?!" George turned to their teacher, who was seated in his chair.

Lockhart seemed a little busy, trying to get away from a few pixies.

Tori panicked, her mind running with options. "He's useless! We need... We need... to slow them down!" She yanked out her wand, pointing at them. "Arresto Momentum!"

The pixies immediately slowed down, giving Angelina time to slip away. Tori checked on her friend before using them spell on two more.

"Uh, good work, Miss Silvers! Now... a little help?"

✧ ✦ ✧

"That was wicked smart, Tori," Fred said. They had just gotten out of class, Angelina was complaining to Alicia that she felt her hair basically get ripped out of her skull.

"Thanks. God, he's such an idiot." Tori muttered. There was a loud voice calling for her.

"Hey! Uh, Tori, right?" It was the Hufflepuff girl who sat behind Tori in Lockhart's class. Tori nodded, watching Fred catch up with his brother. "Yeah, you were in my last class, right?"

The girl nodded, tossing her dark brown hair behind her. "I didn't mean to look at your paper, but that was some pretty funny stuff you came up with. I mean, Dungbom brown? Brilliant! I'm not really that surprised, especially since your friends with those Weasley twins. They're really funny. I wish I was that funny, or bold enough to pull something like that... Oh, sorry. My Mum always tells me I talk a lot... I guess she's right."

Tori chuckled but the girl kept going. "I'm Hazel Doe, by the way. It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise, Hazel."

why did this take me so long to write?

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why did this take me so long to write?

no clue.

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