Chapter 12: The Rings

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Zayn's POV

A loud knock on the door jolts me out of my sleep, with a sharp intake of breath I sit up quickly to assess the room. I find myself disappointed to still be in the once-nicely decorated spare room I was banished to a week ago, Luna had smashed all the nice decorations when I migrated here from the sofa. I proceed to irritate myself more as I look to the side and notice the pillow I had been cuddling was, in fact, a pillow and not Luna like I had been dreaming. Empty space filled the bed and I felt pushed out by it.

The knock came again, more impatient this time, followed by Loki's smug voice "Decent?"

I grunt back and sink back into the bed. He opens the door and lets the light from the hallway flood in.

"Morning, sunshine." He grins

I reach into the bedside table drawer, quickly pulling out a pocket knife, flipping it open and throwing it hard and fast in his direction. To my annoyance, he catches it before it has the chance to scathe him at all.

"Grumpy, I see." He raises an eyebrow, flipping the knife around and wedging the blade into the wood of the empty dresser, right next to the small velvet box I had been trying to ignore.

Loki notices it and his sarcastic persona drops and is replaced with a serious look.

"I didn't know she gave the ring back." Loki avoids my eye contact

"I didn't feel like talking about it." I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand, heading to the one drawer of the dresser that had a few pieces of clothing stashed. I open it to be reminded by the fact they were all in the laundry hamper "Shit, I have to get clothes."

"Well, she's out, so now is your window." He informs me "Mateo and Cara will be here tomorrow, she's out prepping."

"Ok, gives me a little time to get some stuff from the room." I nod "Did you come in here for something?"

"Pandora is back." He leans in the door frame, his face twisting into a grimace "Don't go to visit her yet though, she and Scarlett are... getting reacquainted."

"I'll avoid it." I chuckle

Scarlett's POV

Pandora sweeps her black locks out of her face as I lay my head on her bare chest.

"I missed you." She whispers to me

"Of course you did." I grin

She scoffs and shoves me lightly "Can you not have a genuine moment for once in your life?"

"What're you talking about! That was a genuine orgasm." I snake my arm around her waist

Although it coaxes a smile from her, she quickly turns to a more serious note "I wish you wouldn't do that."

"Be delightfully charming and witty?" I raise an eyebrow, doing my best to distract her from the serious conversation she was edging us into

"Scarlett, stop." She rolls her eyes, fighting a smile. She escapes from underneath me and moves to her chest of drawers, quickly grabbing a pair of underwear and a tank top to cover herself up "I'm trying to have an intimate exchange with you that isn't sex."

"We do that." I shrug, sitting up and purposely not putting my bra back on

"No, I do that. I brush your hair, I rub your feet, I bring you tea every night and when I was away I text you good morning and good night every day and you only responded sometimes with 'Hi' or 'Night'." She pulls shorts and a jumper on, not facing me

"I appreciate all those things, I do!" I stand and take her hands "I'm just not wired the same as you."

"I'm trying to have a relationship with you that is different than the one you had with my brothers." She barks

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