Chapter 33: On The Road Again

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Zayn's POV

I am slick with sweat, of course cold. The months of summer are fast approaching, even underground in the base. Our witches use magic to mirror the weather of the real world, and even though I am incapable of catching a tan, I'm enjoying the warmth on the back of my neck as I take a short run around the perimeter of the base. 

The Brandy boarding house stands tall in the near distance, indicating I've lapped the whole base. Its large windows are all open, airing out the house. Cara is in the front yard, playing on the grass while Mateo watches her, a soft beam on his face as he looks down at his daughter. I hope I get to look at Cyra like that again at some point. I pause to watch them. Cara looks much more like her mother, with her features smaller and softer than Mateo's. 

A black Mercedes I don't recognise turns the corner opposite me, low and small, coming to a halt outside the boarding house. I immediately start toward the house again, I don't take favourably to unannounced visitors, but I'm struck still in my tracks when I feel the beat of a heart rattle through my body that feels too distant to be my own. It's not mine. This is the imprint. 

My heart clambers up my throat as I see the driver's side door open and familiar curls in an unfamiliar colour appear from the car. Bleached honey blonde strands weave through the raven locks, coming into full effect at the bottom of the high ponytail caressing the neck I know all too well. Her golden skin littered with freckles is on show in a cropped tank top and a pair of denim shorts I've pulled over the curve of that bum countless times. 

The woman finds Mateo's attention, and his soft beam stretches ear to ear as he jogs to greet her. 

"Hi, honey." He embraces her fondly, and she wraps her arms around his waist, soon to be jumped on by Cara, who is laughing wildly at the sight of the woman. 

The front door opens, revealing Loki with a grin. He makes his way down the steps, opening his long arms to the semi-blonde haired woman.

"Hello, sweetheart." 

The woman happily falls into his open arms, and a soft laugh that makes my heart melt falls from her lips. She hasn't turned around, so my brain won't accept any of the theories of who this woman is, who I know this woman to be. 

"Ah, perfect. The slag is back in town." Scarlett affectionately jeers, leaning in the open doorway of the house. The woman quickly pulls her into a hug.

"Oh my god!" Zoey pushes past Scarlett to thrown her arms around the woman, smiling ecstatically. 

I want to move, to see this woman, find out if she is who I think she is, but my feet won't let me. They are cemented to the floor while my heart pounds harder and faster and my mouth dries up.

And then she turns. And it is my favourite sight ever. The long neck, adorned by a simple silver necklace, the sharp jaw, the rounded lips in the shade of pink I could stare at forever, the wide nose with a rounded point, the thick brows that have been tinted a few shades lighter, the chubby cheeks that the high cheekbones haven't dissolved under, decorated with freckles and the odd beauty mark. The strikingly blue eyes like oceans crashing around her pupils. 

"Luna." Her name falls from my mouth effortlessly. 

My feet are still frozen. I am unable to move. She picks up on this, probably because I look like a deer in headlights. I've stopped breathing as she takes her first step toward me, followed by another and another until she is inches from me, her scent invading my nose once more. Soft and sweet. I'd pinch myself to see if I'm awake if I was in control of my body, which I am absolutely not as the corners of her mouth tug upwards to a gentle half-smile. 

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