Chapter 6: New Blood

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Zayn's POV

Loki slams the large book down onto the table and it lands with a thud that shakes it. The spine was torn and the cover was flaking. The terrible condition matched what was likely to be the tone of the entries.

"I found it when I went to Dahlia's library," He sighs "Well, more Luna found it."

"You never told me." I raise an eyebrow.

"I thought it was you, doing all the stuff in the diary. I didn't have the ones from the years you weren't born, so I assumed it was possible." Loki shrugs "I didn't want to ask questions and I didn't want Luna to find out."

"You thought I had tortured someone, tested on them, and your response was to hide the evidence and not ask any questions?" I ask, somewhat shocked.

"You are my brother, and I happen to be evil." He looks me dead in the eyes "Of course I hid what I thought was your secret." 

I shake my head "We have to figure out who this is," I open the book, leafing through the torn pages "It could be a relative." 

"Or it could be a crazy fuck with the same last name." Scarlett proposes "You two aren't that special, you know."

"The likelihood of a dream incubus having the same last name as the only other dream incubus the supernatural world is aware of and there not being a relation is slim." Harry interjects "Are we sure we want to track him down? We don't know what we are getting ourselves into, it might be best left alone."

"I guess." I nod, feeling deflated, the family I had searched for year after year could actually be a murderous cult "If this is our family I don't think I want to get involved." 

"Maybe that's the case for you." Loki interjects "You have a family now, I don't." 

"Lok-" I try but he interrupts me.

"I know, I'm part of your  family." He scoffs "I can't be the uncle in your situation forever. I'm going to find out who they are." 

A small voice at the door interrupts me from responding. Melanie, a reaper and a relatively short woman, Luna's assistant of sorts.

"Zayn, there has been an altercation." Melanie informs me, her brown eyes not making contact with my own "A small riot, a couple are injured but will heal. I need you to sign papers to detain some of the crowd until Luna can deal with this." 

"You can bring the papers directly to Luna." I state "She's in charge."

"Actually...I can't." She says, very quietly, avoiding my gaze with more effort now.

I stand, making my way over to her, my frame towering hers "Why is that?" 

"You can go and see her after you come and sign the papers at the rehabilitation centre, there isn't anyone else to do it and if you don't do it now the riot will get bigger and-" Melanie starts, but I'm not interested in her rambling.

"What the fuck is going on with Luna?" I cut her off, lowering my eyebrows, impatience trickling over me.

"She's fallen ill." Melanie sighs "I had some witches look at her but none of us are really trained to-" 

I push past her and start for the door.

"Zayn, the riot!" She exclaims, the shrill tone in her voice piercing my eardrums.

"I will go!" Loki interrupts "I will go to Luna, give her some blood, you sign the papers and then come see her." 

A feeling of relief floods over me and I slow as I reach the door and look back at Melanie.

Lucid Dreaming (Zayn Malik BOOK 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant