Chapter 42: The Other Side

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Luna's POV

I pull Katjaa's white yoga top over my head, struggling to get it over my chest. Even with my recent weight loss, her frame is much smaller than mine. Similar to Pandora, she has a slim build, with toned muscles and long limbs effortlessly covered by her yards of flawless tawny-brown skin. I, on the other hand, have always carried more weight on me than the average woman, even when I was a boxer. Scarlett and I are similar that way, but I ignore Zayn's obvious type for my own peace of mind. My hips are wide, and my bum is large, almost too large to squeeze into Katjaa's tight jet black spandex leggings, but I manage to get them up and over, though if I take too deep of a breath, I'm nervous they'll pop off me.

The impression that Katjaa is active is one I made very quickly. She, ironically, seems like a woman who obtains an extreme level of self-discipline. But, I feel she's had to work hard for it rather than being born with it for the same reason I call it ironic; because it all seemed to go out of the window when she argued with Loki when we first came. She was sharp-tongued fiery then. And sure, Loki has his ways of bringing out the argumentative side in people, but seeing the way Elias scolded her, tells me this isn't his first time having to reign her in. It's the same way I've had to do it for both Malik brothers on multiple occasions.

A short knock on the door catches my attention, and I invite the knocker in. Katjaa opens the door, smiling as she sees me in her clothes.

"Ah, pyara (lovely)." She hums "Must feel better to be in fresh clothes."

"Mmhm." I nod, dusting myself off, not that there is a spec of dust to be found on Katjaa's clothes "Shall we set the table for breakfast?"

She pulls the door closed behind her, notably locking it, and moves to the chest of drawers to my side. She picks up the fresh piece of pale brown roots bound together by black wool that rests on a pale blue dish, and focuses her eyes on them for a few moments. I watch, intrigued as her eyes flood a deep purple, darker than Zayn's, and then the tips of the roots light, quickly smouldering and leaving behind a trail of smoke and an earthy scent I recognise.

"Sage." She answers my unasked question "Stops anyone being able to hear anything in the room it's being burnt in, helps when you live amongst people that can hear for miles. You should really invest in some if you keep planning to fuck my son on the floor below my bedroom."

"God, I'm so embarrassed." I frown "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I have a knack for making people unnecessarily uncomfortable, as Elias puts it."

"Why're you burning sage?" 

"Because I want what happens next to stay between you and I."

That means she's going to tell me a secret. Or brutally murder me. We'll see.

"You're wanting to keep something from your kids, but plan to tell your son's wife?" I half-laugh, still nervous she's planning on the latter theory of mine "You must be new to secrets."

"Far from." She chuckles "But what I'm going to offer you, I can't offer to everyone here. And I think you'll find it'll be more valuable to you than marriage."

I raise an eyebrow, sensing I need to tread lightly.

"What're you offering, Katjaa?"

"To take you to the other side."

Oh, god. She really is going to murder me.

"No need to look at me like a deer caught in headlights." She waves her free hand, using the other to place the burning sage back onto its dish "To visit, briefly. To see your brother."

Lucid Dreaming (Zayn Malik BOOK 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora