Chapter 54: The Cabin in the Woods II

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I sit uncomfortably on the edge of the bed in my room next to Scarlett while Pandora paces the room.

"I can't believe you made her tell them, Luna." She scolds me.

"You know she didn't mean to." Scarlett defends me before I get the chance to myself "None of us know how these... specialisations work."

Pandora takes a deep breath, turning away from us and resting her palms on the windowsill. She stares silently out into the night with a cold glare set on her hauntingly beautiful face and the reflections from the moon bounce off her deep red eyes.

"That's her way of saying sorry." Scarlett chuckles, leaning back onto the bed "You get used to it."

Pandora is the only Malik I've seemed to not make any headway with. She's quiet, similar to Zayn but much more reserved. I've seen her more animated with Scarlett and her brothers, but she's much more monotone with me. I'd guess that she doesn't like me, but it's more likely that she doesn't care enough about me to dislike me.

"I really am sorry, Scarlett." I nudge her arm with my elbow, and she shoots me a half smile.

"I know, blue." She shrugs "God, did you see Zayn's eyes, nearly popped out of his head."

"He's nervous, that's all. I don't think he knows how to separate the dad with the uncle just yet."

"He's going to have to learn." Pandora huffs, but Scarlett and I decide to ignore her.

"How're you feeling about it, being pregnant?" I ask.

Scarlett takes a minute before responding, mulling over her answer before releasing a heavy sigh.

"To be honest, I feel guilty, being so happy to be pregnant this time when I have a daughter out there who hates me." 

I'd almost forgot about Diana, I am the only one who didn't meet her in Scotland. 

"I still can't believe you had a kid with Harry."

"It was a different time." She rolls her eyes "I guess after one-hundred-and-something years I just wish I had a better relationship with her."

"It's not too late, you could always reach out?"

She narrows her eyes "When you're as old as I am, Luna, grudges aren't just forgiven, it's not how it works."

I'm about to respond when I get a distant numbness in my stomach. I stand, looking around as a burning sensation starts in my abdomen, pushing the numbness outwards to the rest of my limbs. It's strange, painful, but like it's not my pain. The heat from the pain intensifies, the feeling of a never-ending needle being pushed into me present, but any sign of a reason for feeling this way absent. I rub my stomach, tugging t-shirt up to check my swollen belly is fine - and it is. I close my eyes to focus and get flashes of the grass clearing before the trees slightly downwind of the cabin, near the lake. I can see Loki knelt, pressing on the stomach I see to have adopted in this mental illusion. Another hand goes to my foreign stomach - my hand seemingly - and I immediately recognise the tattoos stretched across the long fingers. Zayn.

"He's hurt!" I blurt, forcing my eyes back open to stare at Pandora, who's scanning over me with her own eyes, concerned "Zayn, he's hurt."

Moments later we hear a gunshot from outside the window. Pandora's eyes open even wider.


Loki continues fussing over my wound. I cough and blood splatters over my lips. The bastard has managed to hit a lung. I hear the rustling of footsteps from somewhere behind us but I'm losing consciousness as the bullet lodged in me blocks my healing system from kicking in.

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