Chapter 56: The Oracle II

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"What happened there?" I ask Elias, stepping into the kitchen properly, feeling slightly defensive all of a sudden "Did you upset her?"

Elias laughs lowly and I am reminded of how much I look like him as he does. He sits back in his chair and scratches his stubble.

"Interesting way to phrase that, did I upset her, not did you have a disagreement?"

I feel myself shrink slightly as he points out my, seemingly unnecessary, bias. I hunch my shoulders and quickly make my way back to a seat.

"I get it, she's your wife. I'm just some man you know." He waves his hand dismissively as the last of his laughter dies out "I'm the same with Katjaa."

"You're my dad." I say without thinking and Elias' eyes are almost as wide as mine as we sit in the silence following my proclamation.

We have never addressed that layer of our relationship. Never given it a place in the real world. Of course, we both know he's my father, but he's never been my dad. I am a fish out of water, floundering for a way to cover up what I have just called him, but he picks up on it and decides not to torture me this time.

"I showed Luna an alternate reality, that's all. I didn't upset her." He reassures me with a warm smile that I know isn't painted on his face because he didn't upset my wife.

I take the out, gratefully "What did you show her?"

"That's for her to tell you, if she wants. It's a very personal thing, these alternate realities."

"Does that mean it was about me?"

"Don't pry, Zayn." He folds his arms "Is there anything you'd like to see?"

"No." I shake my head "No point in trying to see a future that'll never happen. I'm happy where I am."

"No, you're right." He nods affirmingly, standing and finding his way to the fridge, retrieving another beer "So, that second baby is nearly here, are you nervous?"

But now his question has polluted my mind too much for me to pay attention. Is there anything you want to see? Yes. Lots. I want to know if where we have ended up is best for Luna, for Scarlett, even for Loki for fucks sake. I love Luna as much as anyone can love another person, but could someone have given her a better life? But surely it is futile, looking at realities that'll never come to fruition. I scratch my temples as Elias looks at me expectantly.

"Er, yeah." I answer finally, though minutes have passed since he asked me about my unborn child.

"Something bothering you, Zayn?"

I tug on my bottom lip, considering my next move. I've just called this man 'dad' and now I'm going to ask him for a favour. Is this too much bonding for one day?

"Your mother was always your favourite." Elias sighs, leaning back on the counter next to the fridge "Growing up, that is. You were such a calm child, but I think you and I were too similar in that way. You always wanted to make sure she was OK, because Katjaa is decidedly not calm. It meant you and I didn't spend much quality time together. I spent lots of time with Pandora, she liked to read with me. Loki hated everyone. He hated your mother for being too similar to him, and he hated me for loving her, not joining him in his boycott. It's like he was born with teenage angst. My point is, getting to know you, an adult, fully formed you, has been more special to me than you could've known. I know I'll never really be a dad to you, but you'll always be my son, Zayn. That means you can talk to me, if something is bothering you, or if you'd like to see something."

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