Chapter 5: Dear Diary

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Zayn's POV

I look over her carefully. The most beautiful creature I have ever seen in my entire life. Sleeping peacefully, a light snore falling from her lips. I have never adored someone as much as this. I reach carefully and stoke my finger against her cheek, the heat from her skin contrasting to the coolness of my own. I smile at how large my finger looks on her small features.

Cyra Ghost. My daughter. I have been sat watching her like this for hours, and I still cannot wrap my head around it. How could I have been part of making something so small, delicate and perfect? I turn my head and look at Luna, passed out in our bed and snoring significantly louder than Cyra. I smile again. My future wife. My family.

A gentle rap at the door downstairs rouses me from my trance. I stand quickly and move towards it, trying not to wake either of my girls.

I open the door to find a melancholy looking Loki. He scowls at me as he pushes past me into the house, getting out of the rain and cold from the night.

"Well, hello to you too." I scoff.

"Excuse me for not wanting to do your dirty work." He narrows his eyes and pulls the blood bag from his black rucksack, shoving it into my hands.

I ignore him as my tunnel vision focuses on the blood bag. The thing that has been running in the back of my subconscious all day. My mouth salivates at the thought of it as I pop the top and bring it to my lips. I let the sweet liquid flood down my throat without caring that it was spilling down my chin, staining my clothes. I bring my other hand to the bag and squeeze it, not being able to get the stuff quick enough.

My senses come alive as the blood enters my system, my supernatural core intensifying, nerves being set alight. I can hear Loki's lips form a grimace as he curses.

"Fuck, man." He shakes his head.

When the bag finishes I reluctantly pull it from my mouth. I breathe deeply, looking at Loki's disgusted expression.

"Don't look at me like that." I hiss.

"Even I don't drink like that, Zayn. You have a problem."

He's not wrong, I know this, but what is there to say? I don't have an explanation for my actions, not even the beginning of one. My craving for blood started when I 'died' and has been harassing me since. I've been sending Loki on my behalf to the blood bag supply, I had Luna sign him off for a double supply by telling her a fabricated story about him needing more. No one raises an eyebrow at a Blood Incubus picking up blood rations, however, if I did, the community would be alive with rumours.

"You need to tell Luna." He says quietly "She'll be confused, mad even, but it'll be a far cry better than what will happen if she doesn't find out from you."

The idea of Luna finding out makes me frantic. I grab Loki by the neck and push him back into the wall. I look him right in the eyes and see the purple reflection of my own illuminating back at me in his orbs.

"You will not tell anyone about me or what you are really doing with the blood bags, especially Luna." I state clearly and precisely.

He blinks slowly, digesting what I've told him. It is my newest party trick, compulsion. Being able to tell people what to do with unwavering loyalty to my terms and requests.

Loki has a blank look on his face, different now than before. He shoves me off of him, leaving without a word. 


I enter the bedroom, a towel around my waist from stepping out of the shower. Luna is sat up in the bed, lazily smiling and looking at me. 

"Hey," she rasps "Was that Loki I heard earlier?"

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