Chapter 51: Specialisation

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Luna's POV

"You'll do fine." Zayn nudges my side with his elbow before tucking his arms into his abdomen, folded "They'll push back, but stand your ground."

"They hate me." I pout, gripping the back of my seat, tucked into the large round table in the meeting room.

"They don't hate you, they hate him and you decided to marry him, twice." Loki snorts, spinning in his chair, pointing at Zayn.

"Not helping." I roll my eyes.

"Wasn't trying to help."

"You never are." Katjaa scoffs, earning a glare from Elias and Loki.

A knock at the door distracts us. I clear my throat as Harry's head pokes through the door, brown curls pushed back by a black head band and green eyes piercing through the tension in the room.

"They're waiting downstairs." He informs me with a clear voice "You ready, Ghost?"

"Send 'em up."

I take my seat with the Malik brothers either side of me. Zayn's hand sneaks under the table to grip my shaking one, squeezing it while Loki sends me a reassuring wink. Katjaa and Elias sit next to Zayn, followed by Pandora.

The room starts to fill with the disgruntled faction heads, whispers coming to an end as they walk through the door. I gulp hard, struggling to swallow the lump in my throat as they take their seats, chairs scraping on the metal floors and glowing eyes burning down to their human colours when they meet me.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming." I nod, trying not to sound as anxious as I feel "Obviously, there is much to discuss."

Karma scoffs, folding his long arms "You could say that."

"I'd like to start with the Cyra confusion."

"You mean the fact you made us all attend her funeral when she's alive and well?" Aurora, mermaid head raises her eyebrows "You haven't cared to explain why Evelyn's walking around unscathed either."

"Lay off." Derek growls "She called us here to explain, give her a chance to."

I shoot him a small smile, while Zayn frowns, but I tighten our grip on each other's hands.

Aurora sits back in her seat, gesturing for me to continue.

"Thank you." I sigh "I understand you all have complaints about whats been happening, perfectly valid complaints, but I need you all to understand that at the end of the day I am just a woman... trying to protect her family. That includes all of you, my mother cultivated this community, took care of it, and yeah she probably did a better job of it than I am doing but I don't think any of us could've seen the past few years coming. A lot has happened, and I'm going to start from the beginning. I pissed off Celine's family, they tried to kill Cyra, claimed that she was destined to be a monster. So, we decided to fake her death, so no other witches would come looking for her. But Cyra was kidnapped, in a way. On top of that, the rumours are true, Zayn is a hyrbid. He was turned four years ago, at the battle with the blood incubi when he was defending our soldiers. We didn't know for a long time and eventually the witches found out, thats why they attacked the base. We knew we needed to go on the run, keep their attention away from the base on us, so they wouldn't attack innocent people of this community anymore. We went looking for Cyra and eventually found her along with Zayn's lineage, who, I'm sure, many of you have heard about before."

"Thet crazy cult of hybrids who sacraficed occults in order to live longer?" Karma's eyes shine a bright green as they scan over Katjaa and Elias "I literally turn into a snake, but you guys have to be some of the most fucked up people I've ever heard about."

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