Chapter 58: Time and Time Again

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"They're like... huge." Luna stares in disbelief through the crack in the door of the nursery while the two twins play with a various assortment of brightly coloured plastic toys "They look Cyra's age."

"Yeah." Loki whispers, nodding with exhaustion weighing on his hunched shoulders "I... I don't know."

"When did this happen?" I ask.

"Like a month ago we really started to notice it." He shrugs "It's why we took them to Dayo. We didn't want to draw attention, we've only just been pardoned, the last thing we need is to be back in the doghouse with the witches. It's something to do with their thirteen-year gestation period on the other side, I think it'll only stop when they become fucking teens."

"That's... wow. Is there any way to slow it down?" Luna frowns.

"We're talking to the coven, it's why your father invited your relatives, we're hoping they know something we can do."

"Katjaa should be able to do something surely?" I suggest, but the scowl on Loki's face shoots that suggestion down. He's not exactly acclimatised to her yet "I can talk to her for you, if you need. She's the one who's going to know the most about the other side, Loki."

His scowl deepens for a moment, but eventually he lets it fade "Fine. Ask her."


I still find it strange to look at Katjaa, knowing she is the woman who brought me to the world. It is hard to ignore, the way she looks so much like Pandora, the way her temper rises with minimal provocation needed like Loki, how little she cares about the opinions of people she doesn't like, a particular type of lone wolf that only I thought I was.

Still, she smiles as she looks at me and I wish I could ignore it, the fact her lips are the same shape as my sister's.

"It's nice to see you, Zayn. I hope Luna is well, I never enjoyed being pregnant, but she seems to be good with it. Anyway, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Her voice is smooth and calculated, as if she already knows what I'm going to ask for, and she says my name like she owns it, like she's reiterating that she gave it to me.

"Luna's fine." I nod quickly, trying to smile, but it feels too awkward "I'm here on Loki's behalf actually."

"Of course you are," Her smile flattens to a smirk "he hasn't warmed up to me much."

"I mean, you're getting to experience the rebellious teenage years that you thought you missed out on." I scratch the back of my neck, trying to relieve my unease with a joke, but I don't.

She laughs lightly "This feels more reminiscent of the terrible twos. What does he need?"

"Well, ironically, he needs the terrible twos. The twins are... aging. They're only supposed to be six months and they look to be nearly five. Loki spoke to a witch in the mermaid realm, it's something to do with Evelyn being pregnant while on the other-"

"I can't believe it's taken him this long to come to me, or send someone to come to me." She scoffs "He's let them get to five before he tucked his tail between his legs?"

"You knew this would happen?" I frown "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because, Loki has made it very clear he doesn't want me to be a part of his life, and that includes any help I can offer. He can't have his cake and eat it too."

"Katjaa, this isn't about him, it's about two little girls that need your help." I frown "You were really going to continue to let them age like this if I hadn't stepped in?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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