French Cuisine

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"Wolves or werewolves?"

Lydia stood next to the bed Malia and I were laying on. I had my back against the headboard, and I was reading a book about French cuisine. That was until Lydia interupted us.

Scott called me earlier today. Apparently, him and Liam found a pack of dead wolves in the forest eariler. They found it after a wolf showed up on the field during practice. I know what you're thinking. Why was Scott there? We graduated. Well, Scott volunteered to be assistant coach over the summer. That, and he wanted to keep an eye on Liam. Hayden and her sister ended up moving not long after the Ghost Riders left. Which meant Hayden breaking up with Liam. Scott knew he didn't react the best when him and Allison broke up.

Anyway, back to the wolves in the woods. Liam automatically thought it was something supernatural and wanted Malia's help. I'm not saying he's wrong, knowing how Beacon Hills is. It most likely is supernatural. But Malia and I were completely against doing anything supernatural. Malia wanted to go to Paris, and she asked me to come with her. Who was I to say no when she offered to buy my plane tickets. Plus, I always wanted to travel.

"They said wolves." Lydia answered.

"Not interested." Malia replied uninterested. "You go."

"Liam was asking for help from the werecoyote, not the banshee." Lydia told her.

"Why me?" She asked.

Lydia shrugged. "Because you're the former animal. Nobody understands mysterious animal situations like you do."

"I'm done with mysterious animal situations." She told Lydia. "I want mysterious men. French ones."

"I don't want french men, but I want French food." I reply continuing to read the food magazine. I smiled as I read the menu of a restaurant. "Oh, Malia what about this? There's crepes at this place."

"Those look good." Malia mumbled. "What kind of flavors are there?"

"Any kind you can think of." I respond. Malia smiled.

"Are there any meat flavors?"

I give her a look of disgust. "Bacon maybe, but I have a feeling that's not the kind of meat you're thinking of."

"You're right. I'm thinking a deer flavored crepe." Malia nodded.

"Malia, that's disgusting." Lydia told us. "And besides, there's crepes here. Problem solved."

I shake my head. "No, it's not. I wanna sit at a cute little cafe with a beret on and eat crepes. And drink wine."

"We're not 21 though." Malia pouted.

"The legal drinking age there is 18." I get Malia to smile when I say that.

"Hell yeah."

Lydia glared at me. "You're not making this easy on me."

"I know. That's the point." I smile. "I wanna go to Paris."

"Is Scott even okay with you going to Paris?" Lydia asked.

I nod. "You were okay with my brother going to Virginia. Same thing."

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