Look Alike

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After leaving the Argent's bunker, I got Lydia to swing by and pick me up. She went to Parrish's place to find some of his things missing. My dad's helping us look for him. Lydia called him from her car.

"Lydia." My dad answered.

"I just came from his place. Half of his stuff was gone." Lydia explained.

"You can't let him leave." I tell him.

"It's okay." He says. "I got a call from Dispatch. He's headed for the highway."

"Can you stop him?" I ask.

My dad sighed. "Stopping him is one thing. Getting him to turn around..."

"Leave that to me." Lydia interrupted.

As we turn the corner of the road, I see red and blue lights flashing. My father and Parrish were standing there talking. They both looked over when we get out.

"The three of you are out of your minds. You know that?" Parrish asked us.

Lydia ignored his comment. "You can't leave."

"I can't stay." Parrish said. "I'm a Hellhound. I have the word, "Hell" in my name. Hell."

"You're also one of my best deputies." Dad says.

"You guys don't get it." Parrish shakes his head. "The bodies I see in my dream are because of me. And there's gonna be more. A lot more."

"I've been predicting death longer than you. The things I've seen and felt, they don't always happen." Lydia told him.

"What if those people die because you didn't stay?" Dad says.

I agree. "Because you weren't there to protect them."

Lydia walked towards him. "You said you were drawn to Beacon Hills. I think you're here for a reason."


My dad, Lydia, and I were cooped up in my dad's office waiting for Stiles. Last night during the lacrosse game, the Beast did show up and attack people. Including Scott. He's fine. Thankfully. He decided to try to attack the Beast in order to get its' scent. Dumbass idea if you ask me. But I will admit, it worked. After Braeden saved his ass, he was able to follow the scent to one of the cars in the parking lot. In the trunk was a pair of 10 shoes with blood on the sole. That car ended up being Mason's. Mason is the Beast. Now, we can't find him due to Corey taking him. On a slightly worse note, Scott and Liam are meeting with Theo right now. Apparently he might have a lead on where Corey and Mason are. Everyone is highly against this idea.

Stiles came into the room. "Still nothing from Scott and Liam."

"Are we really sure this is a good idea?" I ask.

Stiles looks at me. "Uh, no. No one thinks this is a good idea."

"But you're trusting Theo, anyway?" Dad asked.

"We're not trusting him." Stiles argued. "We're using him."

"What if he's using us?" Lydia asked.

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