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I let out a gasp as my eyes fly open. I am met with a while ceiling. I quickly sit up before looking around. This is the same room Stiles and the nogistune were in. I push myself off of the ground and stand up. This time the room was completely empty. No Scott. No Stiles. No Nemeton. It was just me and these columns. What am I doing here?

Everything that happened suddenly hit me. I look down at my stomach where I was stabbed by the Oni. I lift up my shirt to reveal no mark. It was completely gone. I remember getting stabbed. Allison also got stabbed. I remember being in Kira's arms, but I don't remember what happened after that. What happened to me? What happened to Allison? Why am I here?

"Evangeline? Is that you?" A voice comes from behind me. I turn to see a woman standing there but not just any woman. My mother. The same small smile was sketched on her features. Her light brown hair was curled and perched upon her shoulders. She was wearing a long white dress. When I look back at the memories I have of my mother, this is exactly how I remember her.

"Mom?" I ask confused. She nods her head as she starts to walk towards me. "What are you doing here? What am I doing here? Is this a dream?

She is now standing in front of me. A small laugh leaves her lips at my many questions. "This isn't a dream honey."

"If this isn't a dream, how am I talking to you?" I question her.

"You're in between life and death." She told me. "Evangeline, that stab wound killed you."

It was now my turn to laugh at her. "Yeah right. I'm not dead."

She remained silent for way longer then what o deemed necessary. I feel my eyes start to water. My mouth drops as I try to say something, but nothing comes out. There's so much I want to say. I left my friends and family behind. I left them to mourn over me. They shouldn't have to do that. I should be there, not here. I can't even imagine what my father, Stiles, and Scott are feeling right now.

"I'm dead?" I finally croak out. The tears finally leave my eyes and run down my face as she nods her head in confirmation.

My mother tries to grab onto me, but I jerked away. She tries to grab me a second time which was successful. She put her arms around me as she pulled me into a hug. Her hand goes in soothing circles on my back.

"This can't be happening." I cry.

She pulls back. She places her hands on my shoulders. "You're such a brave girl. So strong. You'd do anything for the ones you love. Even if that means dying for them."

"It's my job to protect them." I say. "I just wanted to help."

"I know. Which is why I'm going to help you." I look up at her as she says that.

"What do you mean help?" I ask her.

"Like I said earlier. You are in between life and death. You aren't dead, but you aren't alive either." She explains. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Am I supposed to understand that?"

She lets out a laugh. "I'm going to help you pull yourself out of here. Back home."

"By home you mean..." I trail off.

"With your father and your brother." She says. "All of your friends. Scott"

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