The Story of Noshiko

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When we got the scroll back from Kincaid, we found out that it was in Japanese. Which makes sense because the nogitsune is technically a Japanese spirit. We took it to Deaton's in hopes of him being able to read it, and he was to a point. According to him, one of the ways to expel the nogitsune is to change the host. Scott thinks that it means that there is a possibility of us having to turn Stiles into a werewolf in order to save him. And I'd rather have a werewolf brother than a dead one.

On a weirder note, Stiles ended up finding something in Eichen House. Well, Malia Tate was also there, and she brought it to us. She wants us to help control her shift because she wants to go back to being a coyote again. Scott said he help, but after this is all over.

Anyway, on one of the walls in the basement was the backwards number 5. The same thing that is branded on all of us. It's supposed to mean self. Stiles and Malia broke the wall because it sounded hollow. Inside was 3 things. A wrapped up dead body, a sword, and picture of a man and woman. It thing that really caught our attention is the woman in the picture. She looks exactly like Kira. I mean perfectly. The date on the back says 1943, so it can't possibly be her. So we thought it could be her grandmother. That's why Scott and I are at Kira's right now. We we're standing in front of her while she sat on the bed looking at the picture.

Kira examined the picture. "This looks just like me. This has to be my grandmother."

"You remember how we told you about Malia?" Scott asked. She nodded her head. "She's the last one who saw Stiles at Eichen House. This picture and this. They found it with a body buried in a wall. The same backwards five that the oni put on us was on the wall. It sounds like it all goes back to your family. Your grandmother, your mom."

Before Kira could respond, her phone buzzed from beside her. As soon as she read it, she looked up in shock.

"What wrong?" I ask her.

"My dad." She says.

Kira's mother had texted her to come to the school because something was happening to her father. She did have to grab some vial full of something that her mother told her to grab. When we get to the school, all of us run to Mr. Yukimura's room. As soon as we reached the doorway, I see Mr. Yukimura on the ground choking on something. Mrs. Yukimura was kneeled down next to him.

Her mother looked up. "Kira, did you bring it?"

"You going to tell me what it is?" Kira asked as she handed her mother the small bottle.

"Reishi." Her mother answered.

"You're not seriously giving Dad magic mushrooms?" Kira asked in confusion.

Her mom placed the Reishi mushrooms into Mr. Yukimura's mouth. He started coughing violently. He held a tissue up to his mouth to cough out whatever was in his mouth. He started breathing normally again.

"Are you okay?" Mrs. Yukimura asks. Mr. Yukimura nods his head as he gets up.

"Stiles did this, didn't he?" I ask her.

She showed us some small, black sword. "He wanted the last kaiken. I've kept this near me ever since your brother disappeared."

"Mom, you need to talk to us, about everything." Kira told her. Her mother nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Yukimura looked at the picture before looking up at us. "Where did you get this?"

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