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"I officially hate you two."

Stiles thought it would be a great idea for me to join track. Coach makes all lacrosse players join track so that they're in shape for when lacrosse season rolls around. And instead of asking, he somehow put it on my schedule without me knowing. I have no clue how.

"Come on Evan. It's not that bad." Scott said patting my shoulder.

"Besides you could always lose a few pounds." Stiles said making my jaw drop. Instead of slapping him I let my powers do the work. I smile and point behind him. He turns to get slapped in the face with a tree limb. He stumbles back into Scott while we both start laughing. Once he regains his balance, he glares at me, "I liked you better when you couldn't control your powers."

"And I liked you better when you couldn't talk." I smile back. "Talk about my weight again and I'll set your Star War collection on fire."

Stiles gasps at me, "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me, Stilinski." I flip my hair over my shoulder. "I can become your worst nightmare."

Coach blows the whistle for us to get in position. I stood next to Isaac. "Pace yourselves!"

I look over at Isaac to see him glaring at someone. I follow his gaze to see the twins smirking at him. I send him a warning glance. "Isaac."

"It's them." Isaac tells me. He takes off after them. I run off after him.

"Isaac, wait! Isaac!"

I follow after him. I run through two trees to see Isaac on the ground with Ethan and Aiden above him. I don't think they see me yet.

"Ethan, I always forget, how many bones in the human body?" Aiden asks.

"I don't know. Let's count." Ethan responded.

Ethan was about to twist Isaac's arm and break it, but I ran up to them. I lifted my arm to punch him in the face. As I swung, I felt the wind push my arm. I heard his jaw break before he fell to the ground. I smirked in victory but then winced. That fucking hurt.

"That's one."

Isaac got up and stood beside me. Aiden and Ethan shifted. Aiden growled at Isaac while Ethan growled at me. Isaac roared at them. I felt two hands wrap around my upper arms before I was pulled behind someone. I didn't have to guess who he was since he roared at the two werewolves in front of us. Scott.

Before anyone could throw the first punch, a scream echoed throughout the forest. The three of us looked at each other before running towards the scream. We reached a clearing where the rest of the class was. My jaw dropped when I seen what everyone was looking at. There was a boy tied around the tree. There was blood everywhere.

"It's him, isn't it?" Isaac said. Scott nodded. What are they talking about?

The police department showed up. Our dad started yelling at people, "Hey, get out of the way. Get back. Get this area cordoned off before they trample every piece of evidence."

"Back up! Everyone back!" A deputy yelled. Stiles ran up to our dad.

"Dad, just come here. Look, look. Look at it. It's the same as the others, you see?"

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