The Maids of Gevudan

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"Marie-Jeanne was a lot like Lydia." Gerard stopped me from leaving for a second time. "Skeptical of her own abilities. And once, actually, just as skeptical of the supernatural."

Italics are the story

In a small French town, almost all of the men, and a few women, were all at the small bar that sat in the middle of town. Most of them were eating, smoking, and drinking. Not even worrying about the terrifying creature that lurked in the woods right outside. Except for one man, Rene, who was hanging up signs. Recherché La Béte.

An arrow flew past the man's head and into the wall to hold up the paper. The man turned to see her sitting there. Marie-Jeanne. The beautiful, dark haired hunter with a contagious smile.she was sitting at one of the tables alone reading the letter that was from her brother who was in the war. Sebastian.

"Merci, Marie-Jeanne." He smiled. He seen was she was reading. "Don't give up hope."

There at another table we're three other men. One was talking quite loud, so it wasn't hard ot overhear their conversation. Marie-Jeanne was able to recognize Bernard's voice. "Her name was Agnes. She was eleven-years-old. Eleven. Torn limb from limb. There wasn't enough of her left for a proper burial."

"I am well aware." The other man, named Tolbert, said. "I'm also aware that every new report conflicts with the last. Some say it is part hyena, part wolf. It has red fur, black fur, cloven hooves, a stripe down its back."

"We know it kills at night." Rene said filling up everyone's cup. "It targets the head and neck. This we know for sure."

"It won't stop. Where the wolf finds a lamb, there he seeks another." Bernard said.

"But it never eats its victims." Rene told him. "It kills for sport."

"No animal kills for sport." Tolbert argued.

Bernard looked between the two. "This is no animal."

"Tell that to the King." Tolbert said. "I have word he may send a contingent of his own professional hunters. Until then, we can use volunteers for a hunting party. Especially, someone to lead it."

"Why ask for a volunteer?" Another voice spoke up. Marie-Jeanne stopped cutting the apple she was eating.

"We all know who the best hunter is in Gevaudan." Marie-Jeanne turned around in her seat to see her brother standing there, perfectly fine. "Marie-Jeanne Valet. My sister."

"Bastard." She jumps out of her seat. She embraces him in a hug.

"I am not going to argue with your brother, Marie-Jeanne." Tolbert spoke up. "What do you say?"

Everyone started to chant her name. Her brother looked over to her. "Well? Will you heed their call?"

"I hunt animals. Not rumors." She said making everyone laugh.

All of a sudden, the door was kicked opened. People stopped laughing and gasped at the sight. There stood Henri with a dead boy in his arms. He placed him onto the table.

Artifice ♛ Scott McCallWhere stories live. Discover now