Deer Lord

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I lean back in my seat as I look out of the window of Lydia's car. I haven't even been home for all of 5 minutes before she pulled up telling me that we're going out. I was a little shocked when I had seen that Allison was in the back seat. Her and I didn't leave things on the best hand before she had left for Paris and I left for New York. I hope we can start over. She tried to be a good friend, and I was a total bitch to her. I was jealous of her relationship with Scott. That's the old me though. I'm completely over him. We made a deal not to talk to each other over the summer.

"Lydia, where are we going?" Allison asked from the back seat.

"We are going to hang out with a couple of guys." She answered.

I glared at her, "Lydia, I swear to God if this is a date I'll-"

"It is not a date." Lydia interrupts me. "It is a group thing."

"Do they know it's a group thing? Because I'm pretty sure Evan isn't ready to get back out there." Allison leaned up on the center console.

I look at her and smile. "Thank you. We're okay now, right? I know we didn't leave off on the best foot, but I want to start over."

"I want the same thing." She smiled back. "We both said things we didn't mean, but the past is in the past."

"It about time the two of you made up. It's been nearly six months since you two looked at each other with a witty remark." Lydia said making all of us laugh. Lydia glanced over at me. "So Evan, you mean to tell me you were in New York and didn't do any dating for four months?"

"Nope." I said turning forward again.

"So, you haven't talked to Scott?" I hear Allison ask.

"Um... No. We agreed not to talk for the summer." I mumble.

"Dammit." She mumbled making me look back at her confused. "I was rooting for you two to get together while I was gone."

"So," I say wanting to change the subject. "Have you talked to-"

"Do not say his name." Lydia interrupted me.

"Is he okay? I mean, did everything work out?" Allison asked.

She sighed. "Well, the doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive, but everyone got over it. And yes, Derek taught him the werewolf 101, like how not to randomly kill people during a full moon."

"So then you've talked to him?" I ask.

"Uh, not since he left for London." She answered.

"You mean since he dad moved him to London." Allison corrected.

"Whatever, he left. And seriously, an American werewolf in London? Like, that's not gonna be a disaster." Lydia laughed.

I look at Allison before looking at Lydia, "So you're totally over him?"

"Would I be going on a date if I wasn't?" Lydia answered making me glare at her. "Yes, it is a triple date. It's not an orgy. You'll live."

I nearly chocked at her words. We stop at a red light. I see a jeep pull up next to us. Not just any jeep, Stiles' jeep. I look over to meet a pair of soft brown eyes. I feel my breath hitch in my throat.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God." I say over and over while pulling my black hood over my head. "I'm not ready. Not yet. I need more time. Lydia, please go."

"I can't. It's a red light." She said.

I groaned and yelled at her, "We're in the middle of nowhere, and you're worried about a damn red light!"

I hear Stiles attempting to roll his window down making me put my head in my lap. "Lydia, go!"

I hear Stiles start to say 'hey' before Lydia pressed the gas and we took off. I let out a sigh of relief before taking my hood off. "Nothing ever goes my way, does it? I want to be over him."

"My ship is sailing." Allison said laughing. I turn to playfully glared at her.

"Lydia, stop the car. I need to go back at talk to him." I tell her making Allison clap her hands. Lydia smiles before slowly stopping the car. I turn to look out the window to see that they've stopped as well. "They stopped too. Why would they stop?"

"It's Stiles and Scott. Do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?" Lydia says.

"Maybe we should go back." I shrug.

Lydia was about to put the car in reverse when something slammed into the car making all of us scream. The windshield shattered making glass go everywhere. I felt a small piece cut the side of my face. I stumbled out of the car along with Lydia and Allison. I heard footsteps running towards us, but I was to focused on seeing what hit us. I was a deer. I felt someone grab my arm. I look up to see Scott looking down at me worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I did realize how much I missed his voice. Or his face. Dammit Evan. You're supposed to be over him.

I shook my head pointing at the deer, "It came out of nowhere."

"Are you hurt?" He asked. He placed his hand on my cheek where the cut was.

"It'll heal. It ran right into us, Scott." I told him still freaked out.

"You're okay though, right?" He put his hands on my shoulders.

I nod my head, "I'm okay."

What he did next was really unexpected. He pulled me into a hug. I stood there for a second shocked before wrapping my arms around his waist and placing my head on his chest. I inhaled his scent. Why would he do this? The two of us haven't spoken to each other in the past 4 months. The last time we talked I told him how I felt about him. Apparently his feelings have changed.

"Well, I'm not okay." Lydia yelled pulling us apart. "I am totally freaking out. How the hell does it just run into us? I saw its eyes right before it hit us. It was like it... it was like it was crazy."

Scott walked away from me and towards the front of the car. He placed his hand on the deer, "No, it was scared. Actually... Terrified."

"Of course I'm back an hour before something crazy happens." I say shaking my head.

"Welcome back, Evan." Stiles said before wrapping me in a hug.

"It's good to be back."


Word Count: 1,120

Here is the first mini chapter of this book! I hope you liked it. I have some good ideas for this book. I know the first few chapters are a little short, but they do get longer. Trust me. Did you like their little moment?

Artifice ♛ Scott McCallDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora