Blast from the Past

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"I can't believe you three lost him."

The six of us were walking down the deserted road trying to find the kid that ran off. Somehow, these three lost him after he took off. The one lead that we had to figure out what happened in this town. So we're back to square one.

"He ran really fast." Scott defended.

"It's not like you have supernatural speed or anything." Lydia called out.

"It's not as easy as you think to narrow in on one scent. If you could do it, you would see." Kai spoke out.

River rolled her eyes at him. "If I could, I would. Maybe then we'd have a better chance."

While they were arguing, I continued to do the task at hand which was to find the kid. I walk away from the group and up onto the sidewalk. I stop walking when I see something out of the corner of my eye.

I jump when I feel hands grab my waist. I look up to see Scott looking down at me. "Did you see anything?"

"I swear I just saw that curtain move." I look back over to the house.

I feel Scott stiffen from behind me when we both see the curtain move again. Scott moves from behind me and makes his way up to the house. The rest of us slowly follow behind him. He opens the door, and I'm immediately hit with the scent of dust.

"This looks like something you'd see in an 80s sitcom." River mumbles from behind me.

"No kidding."

The flooring is covered in thick, beige carpet. Wood paneling lines the walls. And possibly the ugliest couches I've ever seen were in the living room.

"Hello? Anybody here?" Lydia called out.

"Visitors?" All of us jumped when we heard a voice come from our left. I looked over to see an older woman in a black dress smiling at us. "I can't believe we have visitors. Oh, Caleb will be so happy to see you. It's been such a long time since he's had anyone to play with. Oh, you must be thirsty. Come on in and have a seat while I get you something to drink."

"Seriously? What is with her?" Malia said when the woman was out of sight.

Lydia turns and looks at us. "She's the woman I saw in the mirror."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" River asked. "This is how we all die in a horror movie."

"Horror movies don't have supernatural creatures either." Lydia argued before walking into the other room.

"This doesn't seem like a bad idea at all." I mumble under my breath before following after Lydia.

I take a seat in between Lydia and Scott. There wasn't enough room for all of us. There was only one chair for both River and Kai.

"You can sit down. I'll stand." Kai offered. Lydia waved her hand.

"Nonsense. Just sit in his lap."

I let out a small chuckle when both of their faces turn red. Kai shuffled on his feet slightly as River turned to me with a 'help me' look.

Artifice ♛ Scott McCallWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu