Take Me to Church

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Kira had managed to find what was left of Brett's pack. This included their alpha, Satomi. They were being attacked at the school by some hunters. We needed to bring them to a safer place, so Scott came up with a warehouse that Argent owns. The pack was just starting to get settled when a small noise came from the other side of the warehouse. The noise came closer, and I noticed that it was footsteps. Someone else was in here with us. Before any of us could go look, Satomi threw some sort of weapon through the tarp that was shielding us. Brett charged at whoever it was. It was then I noticed that it was Chris.

"Wait! Wait! Brett!" Scott yelled. "This is his place. It's his."

Brett put away his claws and fangs before coming back to us. Chris looked over everyone. "Scott. Evan. If you bring in guests, you could have called."

"You didn't answer." I shrug. "And we didn't have anywhere else to take them."

I see Satomi walk forward. "I know this man. He may not remember, but we've met before."

"You can trust him." Scott said. "We trust him."

"How do we know he's not like the others?" Satomi asked. Chris looked at her.

"What others?"

"Last night, there was a whole team after them." Kira answered. She pulled out a broken arrow out of her pocket. "And they used crossbows."

"They're hunters, aren't they?" I ask.

He shook his head. "Not if they're killing for profit. Not anymore."

"Can they find us?" Brett asked.

"They might already know you're here." Chris said. "Maybe they're waiting for dark."

"So we're not safe here?" Kira asks.

"We're not safe anywhere." Satomi says. "We've been trying to get out for days. Everywhere we turn, we find someone new trying to kill us."

"If they're coming, Scott, they're coming for you too. Both of you." Chris looked over the two of us. "You're still number one on the dead pool."

I sigh. "Yeah. We know. And know Lydia can get the answer from Meredith. She just needs more time."

"Then that's what she'll get." He says.

As we sit around and wait for nightfall, we end up calling for backup. Scott called Derek in hopes of him and Braden coming and helping us. Braeden and Chris will be the best with the guns. Derek has also been learning from Braden on how to use weapons. Everyone with fangs and claws will obviously fight with that. River and I will basically be watching over everything making sure none of us get hurt. Because not only can we put the barrier around ourselves, but others as well.

"They'll be okay." Scott says.

Derek shakes his head. "They've got claws and fangs. But they're not fighters."

"That's why I called you." Scott said.

"Well, try to remember I don't have claws and fangs anymore either." Derek says.

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