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We did manage to climb down into the tunnels. I felt like we were on a wild goose chase because I don't think Theo is capable of finding her. I can tell by the red scratch on the wall that we've been here. Twice. Why we are just standing here while Theo leans into a pipe is beyond me.

"I thought you had her scent." I look over at Theo.

"I lost it." He said.

River scoffed. "So find it again."

Theo looked at us. "What do you smell down here?"

"Chemicals and fecal matter. Although, I'm pretty sure the fecal matter is you." Stiles said making me snicker.

"I smell it, too." Theo said. "It's all that I can smell. Which is why I'm trying something else. So can you shut up and let me concentrate?"

Stiles pushed past him. "I'm gonna find her."

"You know you won't, Stiles." Theo stopped him. "You're going to have to trust me."

"Trust you?" I scoff. "They guy who tried to kill me, my father, and even Scott. Not to mention you murdered you own sister when you were nine."

"Yeah, I was nine years old. I also believed a guy in a red suit came down the chimney to deliver presents. So when three people in leather masks showed up and said that my sister wanted me to have her heart, I believed them, too." Theo tried to explain.

"So then together you gutted and killed her?" River rolled her eyes. "That's a beautiful story. It all makes sense now."

"I watched her fall into the water and freeze to death in minutes. Do you think I had any idea what was going on?" Theo asked us.

"I think you pushed her. And I think you liked it." Stiles said. Our conversation was halted when a scream echoes around us. I recognize it as Lydia's. I look around not being able to pinpoint where it was coming from. "What direction was that? Where is it coming from?"

"Everywhere." Theo answers.


We all ended up breaking off and searching the tunnels. If she screams again, one of us might be near it. I run into Stiles as we turn the corner. Theo and River were standing there. "Nothing."

"Great. You're just as useless as I am." Stiles scoffs.

"I'm trying to help save her life." Theo said.

"Would you just drop the altruistic crap? You want Lydia because she gets you to Parrish, you want Parrish 'cause he gets you to the Beast." Stiles says.

"So what? I want it dead, too." Theo shrugs.

"After you take its power, right?" I ask him. "We know why you got the talons. And we know you're looking for Deucalion."

"I found Deucalion." He said. "You're right. I'm going to help Parrish stop the Beast. I'm going to take its power. And then I'm going to break its neck. So maybe I'm not the good guy in your eyes, but I might end up being the guy that saves all your asses."

I can help but let out a small laugh. "You think you're going to kill the Beast? You're like the size of an ant compared to that thing. It's going to rip you to shreds."

Artifice ♛ Scott McCallWhere stories live. Discover now