Kiss and Make Up

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My theory was correct. There was a piece of bone from the Chimera's still in my father. The bone marrow was poisoning him. They were able to get it out, and now he's perfectly fine. I, on the other hand, am not doing so well at the moment. I discharged myself from the hospital because there isn't a chance that I am spending another night there. They're lucky I spent last night here. My only condition was that they bring me a bed to sleep in dad's room. My wound isn't healing as fast as it normally does. My head also still feels like I'm underwater.

On better news, Stiles did tell dad what happened after he had found Donovan's body in the morgue. Hayden, who is now alive somehow, told the police where the all of the bodies were. I will say, my dad took it a lot better than Scott did that's for sure. He understood the fact that it was self defense, and he even said he would destroy all evidence that said otherwise. My dad's asleep, and Stiles just left. He wouldn't tell me where he was going, so I decided to get some help from River. Parrish had sent me a video of some footage found at the relay station. There was a body found there last night.

"We're doing what exactly?" River asks me as we walk down the tunnels under the station.

"Well as you seen in the video, one person goes in, but two come out. These tunnels are how it got in there without being noticed. So I'm hoping to find something in here." I explain.

"No offense, but I'm not exactly a genius when it comes to things like this." River said.

"But you're all I have." I tell him. "Stiles is off doing God knows what, and I'm not talking to Scott at the moment."

"I can still kill him for you." River jokingly suggests making me chuckle.

I told her about everything while she spent the night with me at the hospital. She wasn't very happy when she found out everything Scott has done. This is the third time she's said that she'd kill him for me. We also talked about her relationship with Kai. Due to everything going on, the relationship hadn't gone too far, but she did tell me that they kissed the other night. I nearly lost my shit. Now I know what Lydia and Allison felt like with Scott and I.

"Not yet." I tell her. "Let's wait until this is all over."

"What is that?" I hear a voice say making all of us stop.

"It looks like Latin." Another one replies.

"Found them." River snorts as we see the two of them standing at the end of the hallway. They were holding a UV light up to the ground. I could barely see do to how far away we were, but I think it said Damnatio Memoriae.

I see Scott pull out his phone. "Hold up that light. I'm gonna get a picture of it. Stiles, hold the light still."

I watch as Stiles falls to the ground with a groan. Tracy is standing there growling. Wait, I thought she was dead. She charges at Scott, and the two of them start to fight. I see another figure coming up behind him making me walk forward. I grab his hand as he goes to swing at Scott. I see bright purple eyes looking back at me, and electricity running off of him. I believe his name was Josh. He looks confused for a second because I was able to grab him. I grab the back of his head with my other hand and slam it down onto my knee. Josh falls to the ground unconscious right as I hear a loud growl. I turn to see Tracy charge at me. I grab her neck before she could do anything and shocked her. She went flying back and landed on the ground harshly. I hear Scott growling at an empty wall. I was a bit confused until I see Corey come visible.

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