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I decided to go with Lydia to my house. She wanted to ask my parents about the abandoned jeep. Me, on the other hand, had some snooping to do. The other day when Kai, River, and I were going through my pictures, I found a picture of a blue jeep. I didn't look at the picture long enough to see if it matches the one in the parking, but it might be the same one. That would really tie it to our family.

I quickly search through the boxes of pictures one by one, but I couldn't seem to find it. I know I saw it, but where? I stand up in confusion. I know I saw that picture somewhere. I just can't remember which box. I look around at the small boxes that were covering my bed. There was a box missing. The one that had all of the weird angled pictures.

I honestly thought someone had taken it at first, but then I remembered I hid it so no one could find it. I didn't wanna try to explain it when I didn't have an explanation myself. I walk over to my desk and open the bottom drawer. There laying on top of my old sketch books is a gold box. I grab it and open it. I flip through the pictures until I landed on the one I was looking for.

It was a picture of me with the blue jeep. My legs were crossed as I was sitting on the hood of the jeep. It's the same jeep as the one in the parking lot. That can't be a coincidence.

I feel like I keep going back and forth about Stiles. One moment, I feel like he exists, and then he doesn't the next. It's like there's something that's keeping me from fully believing in him.

I shake my head at the thought. I take the picture out of the box before shutting the lid. I place the box back in my desk before shutting the drawer. I leave my room in a rush to show Lydia the picture I had found, but I nearly trip on something in the hallway in the process. I look down.


She was sitting on the floor against the wall. I crouch down next to her when I see the tears on her face.

"What happened?"

She sniffled a few times before looking at me. "She said the jeep was stolen, and she hasn't seen the Jeep in almost 18 years. They think I'm crazy. I think I'm crazy. Why am I driving myself over someone I can't prove exists?"

I wipe the tears from her face. "Honey, you're not crazy. Look at what I found. That's clearly the same jeep, but how could I have taken a picture with it? Unless..."

"It was Stiles' jeep." She finishes my sentence. I can see her face light up some as she looks at the picture. Her fingers run over the jeep.

I nod my head. "Look, you and I both know I'm still on the fence about this, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to help you out. There are things that aren't lining up. I have questions, and I'm not gonna stop until I have answers. Okay?"

"Okay." She wipes at her face.

I stand back up before helping her up. "Good. Now let's go find us a Stiles."


Lydia and I didn't get very far when I received a call from Scott. Eariler, a guy came to tow the jeep. The school has reported it abandoned because it hasn't been moved in a few months. Scott and Lydia paid him to drop it since Lydia had such a tie on the jeep, but now he's back. When we get to the school, Scott's there pleading with the man. Malia was standing in front of the jeep protectively.

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