Chapter 11: A Meeting With Evil

Start from the beginning

   My hazy mind replayed memories of when I first arrived at The Facility and woke up in the clinic as I began to shift around and discover the bounds on my hands, legs, and shoulders. A blind was placed over my eyes as well and I was praying that I was back in the clinic but there I was tied down to a bed as a patient, here it was a chair as a prisoner. I whimpered softly and struggled against my binds but they were tight and even a little sharp and from that point on I knew it was a lost cause. I swiveled my hips a little and the chair gave a creaking sigh, 

   ‘Wood, the chair is wood.’ I thought, then stomped the ground as best I could. ‘cement.... no tile.‘  The tiled floor was my first mystery. I had seen the movies about girls getting kidnapped. They always took place in a dingy, dirty little cell with fowl smells, never nice tiled floor. Thinking about the fowl smell the movies depicted I was next surprised to smell the air was clean and fresh. I had neglected to put on shoes before in the heat of the moment so now I gently groped along the floor with my toes, crawling as far as the ankle bounds would allow. I determined the tiles were small by the many grout lines I could feel and it was all clean. Not a speck of dirt to be felt. Soft ticking came from one side, hitting that to my left was a wall with a clock. I tipped the chair back and forth a little feeling around with my shoulders but I wasn’t close to any walls so by pure estimation based on previous knowledge I must be in the center of the room but the ticking of clocks are very faint so the room must be small if I was close enough to a wall it hear one. A sigh of hinges hissed to the front of me and then the sound of metal colliding with metal. 

   ‘Metal door, directly in front of me.’ I heard the heavy foot steps of boots pace the room a little and I knew they were watching me. I hardened my expression, pressing my lips into a straight, displeased line and followed the sound of their boots with my head to show I was listening. They stopped for a moment then came towards me and walked behind my chair. Cold fingers brushed my neck and I couldn’t repress the shiver it caused me, I felt like it was a little defeat for me for allowing myself to react but it was probably a normal reaction for everyone. They took a strand of my hair and twirled it in their fingers, I stiffened and wanted to yell at them but I held my tongue because they were taking the blind fold off. 

   My vision was blurry and blinded by light at first making them tear a little but my adrenaline forced them to adjust quickly. A man with obviously dyed red hair about mid twenties stepped in front of me. He had green eyes and tight skin and a skinny nose bridge but other then that no other defining features. He grabbed my chin and turned my head from side to side, examining me. He wore all black and I could spot the butt of a gun sticking out from beneath his jacket, I noted this for later possibilities. 

   “Hello Lacy.” He said with a sly, knowing smile. He backed away and leaned against a desk in the corner. My skin crawled from the way he said my name and even worse was coming to find out he actually knew my name some how. “My name is Bryce and I was assigned to watch over you.”

   “By who?” I asked, finding my voice.

   “Ooh we’ve got a curious one here.” He smiled, “Curiosity killed the cat you know.”

   “Well I guess its a good thing I’m not a cat.” I said back remaining cool and composed. He walked around behind me again and took the rope holding my shoulders off. 

   “One bound for a witty come back.” He said grinning and returning to his desk. 

   “Your here because Lord Castile wanted you here.” He said plainly,

   “Have y’all been watching me?” I asked, he smiled hearing the country twinge in my voice and nodded,

   “Another thing he requested. He said you were very important and so we had to get info on you.”

   “If I’m so important why am I tied down? Do you seriously think I’m going to beat you up sissy?” I teased but everyone here seemed more amused then insulted by my jabs, Cameron was the same way. He smiled,

   “Standard procedures, once the Lord approves of your release I’ll untie you.”

   “Then can you go work on talking to your Lord instead of me? This isn’t exactly comfortable.” He chuckled,

   “Fine, don’t go anywhere now.” He teased making me roll my eyes, 


   “Couldn’t resist.” He said with a grin then walked out.

   When Bryce returned he composer was serious and it made me slightly nervous as he untied me and led me silently out of the room. I had a slight limp due to some pain in my left leg but it would probably work itself out. The room had turned out to be very plain but the halls outside it were beautiful and laced with ancient gothic architecture. The color palate was muted to dark colors with the occasional red but the limited palate only allowed the little details around the ends of the pillars and the furniture to be more pronounce and regal. One hall opened up into a huge room covered in paintings of angels, heaven and mythological figures and beings but I didn’t get much time to really allow it’s beauty to sink in because I was quickly ushered through to a set a large iron doors. 

   Bryce appeared nervous as he took a quick breath and steadied his hands as he drew the doors back. He waved me in and I confidently strode in before him. The chamber we stood in now looked like one fit for a king with the dual propose of both a throne room and a study. Elevated from the rest of the room by a set of stairs was a platform with two thrones, one’s red velvet grayed with dust, and a table at which a dark figure was bent over, deep in work.

   The figured looked up as we approached the bottom on the steps. He had messy black hair and dark emotionless eyes and was very tall but I stood confidently looking up at him as Bryce seemed to try and slink away but was brought back to stand with me. The man looked me up and down, measuring me and I had to keep myself from squirming under his gaze. He walked down the stairs to get a closer look and suddenly I felt a bit of deja vu, have I met him before? I know this man...

   “Hello.” He said with a sly smile, taking my hand and kissing the top of it. My skin crawled at the touch of his lips. As he straightened up again and his face showed brightly in the light it hit me, the picture on Cameron’s fire place mantle... Lord Castile was Cameron’s dad!

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