Chapter 29: Less talking, more eating

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Gabriella's POV: 

"You're late Ms.Robinson." Ms.Parker says as I enter the classroom, my books in my right hand, a cup of coffee on my left and my hair a bird nest.

Does she think I don't know that?

"Sorry Ms." I mutter and make my way to my usual seat in the back. Ben did it again. He took so long since he claimed he needed a shower because his hair was frizzy. Addi gave him the silent treatment during the whole car ride. It was his fault she missed her history presentation anyways, so I was happy to oblige. 

"Ms.Robinson." my annoying math teacher speaks up and narrows her eyes at me when I don't respond. She always calls my name and I'm positive she isn't really fond of me, but I don't really care since the feeling is mutual. "Come to the board and solve this problem for me." she hands me a marker and I gulp down. I haven't paid attention to anything she said for the past two weeks so I don'k know a thing. 

I stare at the perfectly cleaned whiteboard and draw a smiley face. I'm a senior, but like I said before, I'm childish. "I don't know the answer Ms." I say truthfully and her lips form a tight line as she scans my drawing. I hand her the marker and she shakes her head in disappointment 

"What's the value of x here?" she asks and writes down another problem for me to solve. I nip down at my bottom lip and shake my head no. She does so with many others, but no matter how easy the problems gets, the outcome is still the same. "This is unbelievable Ms.Robinson. We've been doing this since school started. Have you not paid attention to me?"

No, obviously

"Yes, I have Ms. I just don't know how to solve the problems. I'm not good with numbers." I state and some snorts are heard at the back of the class, mixed with an angry huff coming from Ms.Parker. We are in regular math class so everyone here is basically as clueless as me, if not more.

"Finally something we can agree on." she breathes out and I have the urge to respond back, but I don't want to get detention or even worse, be sent to the principals office again. "Go sit, we'll discuss this by the end of the class." she adjusts her glasses and waves her hand at me dismissively. 

Fuck her, I'd rather rot or not drink coffee for a week than pay attention to this dumb class.

Actually no, coffee is much more important, I could never give it up.

I open my bag and take my Math course book along with the book I'm currently rereading and place them both on my desk. I make sure to glance up from Jane Austen's masterpiece once in a while, so that Ms.Parker doesn't notice I still have no interest in learning.

My courage always rises with every attempt to intimidate me.

Elizabeth is my favorite character of all time, the way she is caring, but fierce makes me want to be her in every possible way. She hates Darcy at first, but grows to love him by the end, which at first I thought was dumb, because how is it even possible to be in love with someone and still have such a turbulent relationship with them. 

Suddenly I find myself comparing my relationship with Finn to theirs, which is stupid. He is not trying anything with me. We are partners for a school project and this is a historical novel in literature we are talking about. There are no similarities. We are friends. 

And he invited you to dinner with his mom and you almost kissed once, remember? My pride dissolves every time my inner self speaks and I hate her so much right now.

I continue to read, tracing the words with my index finger and imprinting them into my soul as they go. 

The class ends shortly after and I run away from Ms.Parker before she even has a chance to speak to me. I'm not in the mood to deal with her. 

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