Chapter 18: Will you be mine?

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Gabriella's POV: 

It's finally Friday and I'm happy to say I feel better than a few days ago. Getting used to this feeling is definitely something I don't want to do. 

We are currently sitting in our usual table at lunch. Addi is expectantly looking at me with a smirk. How is it possible that she knows everything that happens without me even having to say anything. 

Oh, right. She's basically the sister I never had.

I take a big bite of my burger and chew with my mouth open, hoping that she looks away disgusted by my actions and forgets about everything. She doesn't even blink and I groan loudly, knowing I have to tell her now or else she'll bug me for the whole day. I swallow down my burger and groan at my best friend.

"How do you even know I was with him yesterday?" I ask her confused. She's not following us because she's usually with Ben, so how in the world is this possible.

"A magician never reveals their tricks." Addi cockily says and I snort.

"You are no magician." I tease her and she sticks her tongue at me. I turn to Ben and see him watching her in awe. They are so adorable.

Wait! No! I'm supposed to be annoying to them. What are best friends for?

"You are so oblivious to everything." she rolls her eyes and I wait for her to explain her twisted mind to me. "Your snapchat map. Duh!" 

" have been checking where I'm at all the time?" I question with an eyebrow raised and her grin widens. "Oh god!" I cover my face with my hands and rake my nails down my arms. "You are so creepy." I tell her while she feigns hurt by placing a hand on her chest.

"That's a very hurtful thing to say Gabs."

"Well, I never said I was nice." She chuckles and I turn back to Ben. "Did you know your girlfriend has been stalking me this past week?" I ask him nonchalantly and they both freeze. 

Oh, no. He hasn't asked her out yet. 

"I'm still hungry. I'll buy something else to eat." Addi says nervously and stands from our table. Ben tries to follow her but I abruptly grab his arm.

"You are not leaving until you explain what the fuck is going on." I narrow my eyes at him and he gulps down. "When are you going to grow some balls and pop the question Benny?" 

"I don't know, we have just stablished that we are more than friends. I'm scared she'll reject me tho, Addi hasn't messed around with anyone since Junior year." he looks down at his hands and I fight the urge to smack him silly for being so blind.

"How on earth do you think she'll reject you Ben. Addison is crazy about you and you are crazy about her. There's no way she's saying no." I smile and he fonds at my words of encouragement. 

"You really think so?" he asks me, his eyes glistening with hope while I nod. His grin grows even more and he hugs me. Nope, he doesn't hug me. He squeezes me until I'm unable to breathe.


"Mmmhh." he says into my hair.

"Can't breathe." I'm barely able to speak and I gasp when he releases me. "Thank you! I wanted to live to see my best friends in love." I smile and he blushes. 

"I'm back." Addi announces and sits across from Ben and I. I give Ben's hand a gentle squeeze and he stands from his seat. 

"Addi?" he asks her to get her to look at him.

"Yeah?" she says, her mouth full with food as she tries to chew quickly.

Ben does something I never expected him to do, but he was all in. He stood on top of the lunch table, earning many stares from students who were gathered around the cafeteria. "Addison Walker, will you be mine?" he yelled and Addi's cheeks redden. She squeals and jumps to the table with him, wrapping her arms around Ben's neck and crashing her lips against his.

"Oh my god." she mouths in my direction and I shoot her a wink. I can feel my eyes watering as I stand from my seat and in between them. I hate to admit it, but I'm a hopeless romantic.

"Well, I guess I'm third wheeling for the rest of my life." I chuckle and Addi rolls her eyes at me before I'm almost squeezed to death, again.

"Okay! Too much affection for today." I grin and detangle myself from their embrace. My eyes scan the surroundings and there's many people standing expectantly. Claps and hoots are heard everywhere and when I look at my best friends they are bowing. Typical Addi and Ben.

What have I ever done to deserve such amazing friends?


When school ends I leave my friends to spend the rest of the day as a couple, alone. They dropped me home and I was surprised to see both of my parents cars in the garage. They're home early from work today, weird.

I open the door to see my parents on the counter, kissing. "Oh my eyes!" I yell and they pull away from one another. "You are parents, aren't you supposed to not be overly affectionate in front of me?" I raise an eyebrow and when my mom turns around my dad gives me the finger, totally ignoring my question from before 

I wonder how she stands him since most of the times my dad acts like a teenager instead of a grown man. I guess I get my childish traits from him. 

"Why are you home early?" I ask while stealing a cheese fry from the tray. My mom smacks my hand away, but she's way too slow. I plop the fry into my mouth and she scowls. 

"Because" she simply states and continues to stir a pot. 

"We took off early." my dad explains for her and I give him a confused look. No matter what, my parents never and believe me, never take off early.

"Okay, I've lived with you for 18 years and dad." I turn to face him. "You are a terrible liar." I expect him to make a funny retort, but he doesn't. "Tell me what's wrong." I demand and they both still. 

My mom withdrawals her hand from the pot and looks at me with sad smile. "Connor's parents called us." she starts and my stomach drops. From everything I was expecting, this was not on my list "They are..." 

"No!" I cut her off because I know what she's about to say. "Sorry mom, I'm not going." I protest and leave to run upstairs.

"Gabs, you should, you owe it to him." she says and I freeze on the spot.

"How do you have the nerve to say I owe it to him when he was the one who kept it from me for 3 months. He made a decision for me, a decision I would've never made." I cry out. "So don't ever, ever say I owe it to him, because I gave him everything I had while I could!." I yell, sprinting upstairs and into my room.

Silent sobs escape my lips while I rock back and forth on my bed. My day was going so great, I had a terrible week and I thought today was good. 

I want to call my friends, but I can't bring myself to be a burden in their relationship at the moment so I just stare at the ceiling and close my eyes, all of it coming back, earlier than I had expected.

A/N: Cliffhanger...ooohhhh. I don' want to speak because I know that if I do I'll ruin everything. I have decided to split this chapter in to 2 because the next part is a flashback :(

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