"Wow.. That's disturbing" I shuddered.

"Yeah... I won't be surprised if the jury favors Antonio, he probably as a dirty secret against the judge" she shrugs casually.

"Are you saying they can avert justice?!" She nods. "But if you testify__"

"But if i testify, he will wipe out my entire family before giving me a slow painful death" she whispers.

I sigh, picking up my bag realizing she is not going to co operate, i look at her shaking my head as she bows her head, she looks scared. I quietly left her house as i stopped the recording on my phone, thinking about the conversation, whether its useful or useless. There is more to the Banerio's after all.

I walked into my house feeling tired and hungry. Its been an hectic day, this is harder than i thought. I turned into an investigative journalist over night. I removed my black platform shoes as i walk through the dark hallway.

I stopped as i heard voices from the living room, two voices and it seems they were in a quarrel. I tiptoed towards the living room but stopped at the entrance. What the fuck?! What is he doing here? He never informed us on his visit. I continue to stare at my absentee father as he and my mum continue in their bickering, i turned to avoid the familiar scene but what he said made me stop.

"And am telling you Amara, pull out of that case!" He snarled, his handsome face having creases in different places, he looks worried.

"No! I won't!" My mum snapped back.

"Why?" He pinched the bridge of his nose, the only thing i took after.

"That poor girl is our daughter's best friend, she is like a daughter to me.. Will you ask me to leave the case if this happened to Rosalia?" he glared at her.

"Don't even dare use that on me.. Nothing of such will happen to my own daughter!" He sighs looking tired " Amara... It seems you don't know who you are dealing with, Lucio Banerio is a wicked fellow__"

"I don't care... He got nothing on me, but... I can't say the same about you, he set you up to this right? " she crossed her arm as i watch them, he rub the stubble on his chin as he turns nervous "he did right?... David what did you do?" My mum asked in concern.  His face turns hard.

"It none of your business! And you are dropping that case!"

"No she won't" I said stepping out of the shadow, as they turn to look at me with wide eyes.

"Rosalia? You are back?" My mum asked nervously, i ignored her as i stare at his sky blue eyes.

"Hello father" I smirked as he tried to smile but failed miserably.

"Rosie?" I frowned, i hate that nickname, if it was the four year old me i would have beamed but when i start realizing what was going on, i detest the nickname "where are you coming from?" He asked confused, sounding worried.

"Where else? From my work of course" I shrugged.

"Work ?" He asked more confused, he has always wanted me to take after him, running the family business but i don't just want it. We always have a fight about me not wanting to go to a business school.

"Of course.... Oh.. " I smirked "Now i remember, you were not here so you missed the important moments of my life, was it my first day in high school, my birthday's, let's not forget graduation" I taunted.

"Rosalia!" My mum snapped at me to shut up but am tired of keeping quiet.

"No mother! Am tired of all these... It as been three months since we last saw him, yet he came back to threaten you to drop a case that doesn't concern him!"

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