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I pull at my turtle neck uncomfortably as I slowly make my way down the side walk.

I had thrown on a pair of high waisted skinny jeans and a red turtle neck, in hopes of hiding the mess. Oh as well as a pair of black ankle booties.

"Miss. You've arrived at your destination."
I nod at my body guard and slip into the cafe, hearing some yelling coming from outside but ignoring it.

I eye the interior and smile. It was a yellow themed cafe sporting flowers and a happy vibe, a strong scent of coffee invading my nose pleasantly.

I walk towards the corner and sit down with a light aura, serotonin was high as I find small sunflowers on the menu in front of me.

"Hey Dumbass, Been awhile."
I look up and smile brightly. It was Katsuki.

He was dressed in some casual wear, a black gucci shirt, some black pants and some black shoes...

"Still emo as ever."
I laugh looking him up and down, he just chuckles before eyeing me back.

"You're literally wearing a sweater right now, and it's not even cold."
I pause before laughing, a nervous sweating building up.

"Oh hah... It's just because before I came here I was in a very hot country. So I'm used to more hot weather.. yea..."
Katsuki raises a brow but doesn't question it only slipping in opposite me, a dopey grin on his face.

"God.. It feels like forever hey.."
I nod while playing with the hems of my turtle neck, a soft flush taking over my cheeks.

"It still feels like yesterday when you left-"

"Oh hey! When I did leave. Who took my place?"
Katsuki leans in while staring me down.

My face lights up as memories of a old friends resurfaces.

"Oh him! I always knew he'd get in... but just maybe not this way haha."
Katsuki calls over a waitress as they run over innocent looks on their face.

"My usual. And her?.."

"Oh! I'd have a passion fruit green tea thank you!"
I smile thankfully at the small lady before turning to Katsuki, a light aura floating around me.

"Anyway.. So before you so rudely cut me off.."
He chuckles before carrying on.

"Why did you leave?"
My body runs cold as I freeze. That was so sudden...

"O-oh... I- It was just a lot happened.. and I uh- I knew If I stayed any longer, I wouldn't have lasted hah-"
Katsuki sighs, when I stared at his face I could see hints of sadness.

"We should've helped-"

"You guys did! You helped me so much! But why I left-... I wouldn't be alive today-"


"Yes Katsuki. I was so close-"

"WHY DIDNT you talk to us?!"


"Why didnt you talk to us!?"



I shout abruptly scaring him half to death as he jumps slightly, staring me down.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now