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It was finally the last one, the throwing test. Many people have already gone before me, such as that Uraraka girl and green dude that hurt himself. But it's finally my turn.

I walk up to the front and clutch the small sphere tight in my grip, okay... it's okay y/n. Your alright. Just breathe.

I slam a foot down onto the ground as small sparks of light erupt out of nowhere, but then a large at least 7'0 swirl of blue flames climbs into the sky. I swipe my left hand in front of the life I just created and bring it behind me before throwing the ball up in the air with my right. With a forceful punch to the air it gets sent rocketing away. Blue swirls in its trail
I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding, a small part of me felt strong and accomplished. If felt great to be able to freely use my power.

Mr Aizawa spoke up, while twisting the small device around so everyone could see. A small smirk on his face.

I feel my eyes sparkle as the numbers seemed to dance around in my head, I'm strong. You did it y/n. You really did it. I let out an amazed sigh. This is me. I don't need anyone to feel strong..... cause I've got myself.

I shuffle back to my spot besides Shoto, only to be greeted by the black haired beauty getting just a bit to close for my liking. I don't disrupt their conversation instead, I just watch patiently from afar.

But as much as I tried I couldn't help the nagging feeling in my chest, it was tugging at my heart, screaming bloodymurder. It didn't want that girl near him.... neither did I, but my opinion doesn't matter in any situation, so I just brush it off.

I gaze at the two in the corner of my eye, my throat tightening at the sight.
They're just talking. It's okay. It's alright.

But it was as if a brick hit me, his face held a smile.... it was small but it was still present, and that... girl was blushing like a mad man.
He looked so beautiful, he looked soft. Like he would break at the slightest of touch, my fingers ached to be able to hold him, cherish and touch him. But I was nothing but a stepping stone in his way to defeat all might. I was nothing to him. It's also the first time I've seen him wearing such expression, especially since it was directed to someone other than me. It hurt, it honestly did.
Unconsciously my defense mechanism activated, just smile and be polite. It was a hollow smile, yet it hid the raging emotions. You know what they say.
"Smile through the pain"

I gently clutch my pants in tight fists.
Just breathe. It's okay. Your okay.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now