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"now get ready to give these assholes hell, 'cause we ain't going down without a fight"
Bakugo says with a smirk, then turns me towards some rapidly approaching villains. One in particular giving me goosebumps her face was quite literally blood thirsty.

I wipe away the remaining tears and crack my knuckles, I'm ready. I'm ready to fight for friends.
"you ready Katsu'?"
He growls at the nickname but still gets into a fighting stance.

"There's the dumbass i've been waiting to see.. now let's get out there and raise all hell!"
I slam my foot onto the ground before swing a fist, blue racing towards them. The blonde girl was particularly set on me and her pointy glinting knifes didn't help my confidence, but the familiar sight of my flames brought an unknown confidence.

I drop low as the heat pooled in my stomach, adrenaline wildly pumping through my veins. I smirk up at the rapidly approaching Blonde girl and masked man.
"Bring it."

The blonde girl swings her knife at me, I duck heap her arm before swing her over my head. She hits the ground with a loud thud. Then a pair of arms wrap around my neck and start dragging back wards, my air way cutting off abruptly. I swing one leg up and slam it back down onto his their knee, they let me go and I tumble to the ground coughing.
I barely manage to get out before I get tackled, my head slamming into the dirt. I cry out in pain as they dig their knees into my ribs, holding me down.
I mange to free one arm and pull away the hand that was digging my face into the dirt, I stare up in horror as the blonde school girl reels her arm back a crazed smile on her face a small glinting knife sitting comfortably in her grasp. I rip my arm out and ignore the pain and hold her back from putting a knife into me. She swings down and pushes against my hand, I shake against her strength and grit my teeth. The tip of the blade was growing closer to my skin as I start furiously sweating.
god not like this. i don't want to die this way.
With a small little last bit of energy I somehow mange to flip the both of us and reel a fist back and give her a taste of her own medicine. I let my fist heat before it bursts into blue flames and I swing down, a literal centimetre away from her cheek I get tackled from the side. I get dragged across the ground before getting picked up. I grunt angrily before lighting my arms up, and making the attack drop me. I stumble back and laugh angrily before charging them.

I throw a hard right hook at the masked man with a grin, last second I light that baby up. He flys back into the blonde school girl that was stumbling up, They both collide and come tumbling to the ground.

"Ahah Yes!"
I cheer happily before turning to towards the huffing Bakugo, he held them off perfectly fine but looked a little pissed off right now. He turns to me and I hold two big thumbs up, a large smile plastered onto my face.
He screams something before a hand gets thrown over my mouth.

I struggle against the attacker, Digging my nails into their arms and kicking. As a last resort I let my palms heat up and as they burst into flames I slam them down onto their arms, Burning them substantially and freeing myself from the human prison.
I stumble forward before turning around. It's the man from before... Alex.

"What do you want."
I growl out, getting into a fighting stance.

"Y/n listen.. I want to save us both. Just come with me, I'll tell you anything you want. The questions left unanswered, I will answer them."
I swallow yet stay silent, just who does he think he is?

"y/n..  I know it's sudden but please. What all for one told you was true. I'm your father, You're my daughter. So please list-"

"I don't need to listen to someone who left me and my mother years ago!"
I shout angrily preparing my palms, they were heating up rather nicely.

"Y/n! I know i'm sorry. Please i'll tell you everything! I'll tell the truth-"

"If you're going to to the truth, Then tell me why did you leave my mother alone!? Why did you leave her in the shadows?!...... Why did she leave me?!"
He sighs anxiously before holding a hand out, shuffling closer to me.
I was well aware of the raging battle going on behind me but that didn't make my attention waver.

"Please Y/n.. Come with me. And i'll tell you everything. You just have to trust me!"
He starts again.

"Trust you?! Trust a filthy villain?!"
He growls before growing even closer, I back away when he takes a step forward.

"Y/n liste-"

"No! You listen! Tell me now! If you really are my father than you'd tell me!"
I raise my palms up in front of me as a warning, an angry scowl on my face.

"Fine!.. fine! I didn't mean to leave her! I didn't to leave your mother!"
He calls over the raging battle, I narrow my eyes at him.

"What do you mean?"

"She left me! She was apart of a villain organisation before we met, we feel in love and had you! But when things got rowdy and our bosses found out we had to go into hiding. We took everything and ran, Thats when I met all for one. He helped me become stronger, so I could protect you! I did everything for you! Then your mother grew scared and hid from me, when I tracked her down I made and promise to do one thing and leave her alone. She agreed and I gave you the injection, then disappeared. I've never seen her since. She made me leave, I didn't leave you both. I would've stayed for eternity if I could've. But she was scared of the man I was becoming.!"
I stand in shock, what?

I lower my hands a I felt fear crawl up my spine, did she truely leave him.

"T-then why.. why did she-.. she leave me?"
I cry out, weakly looking up at the approaching man.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now