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I walk into class still dwelling on the fact that that handsome stranger:
1- said he'll see me again
2- that I felt weirdly comfortable with him and
3- why did he seem oddly familiar.

The class was making their way into a waiting room preparing for the festival that's about to start, but I get startled when I get pulled out of the door and back into the hall.
I go to slam my elbow into the attacker but a light voice voice stops me.

"We need to talk"
It was Yaoyorozu, and her perfectness.

I scowl before quickly replacing it with a sickening smile, he face stays flat as I smile at her.

"Cut the crap we need to talk about Shoto."
I raise a brow in fake surprise, maybe me slowly coming out of my shell was bad because I ended up snapping at her. The anger from yesterday still lay heavy on my shoulders, and seeing Todoroki this morning didn't help at all.

"First name basis?"
I snarl, narrowing my eyes at her face. She places a hand on her hip and leans on one foot, a scoff coming out of her mouth.

"This isn't what I wanted to talk about."
She growls before narrowing her own eyes at me, her faces darkened as she took me in.

"You need to stay away from him."
I growl at her, my eyes slowly starting to burning with a horrid rage.


"Stay away from him."
She repeats, clicking her tongue and rolling her eyes.

"Why should I?"
I mock in a childish voice, smirking at her, the anger was boiling yet I tried to hide it.

"I saw you yesterday y/n, talking to an older man. Shoto was right, you really are a whore for money."
My eyes widen, as my stomach seems to drop, but the the aching in my chest brought me back.

"You have absolutely no fucking right to call me that!"
I snap, advancing towards her, yes I am just a bit shorter but that doesn't mean I won't hesitate to slap a bitch.

"Stop changing the subject and just accept that you'd never make the cut for Sho"
She says, twirling a strand of her ugly ass pony tail around her finger.  A very smug smile plastered to her face.

"Are you fucking-... oh my god!"
I yell exasperated, I throw my hand up as I put my face all up in hers.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!"
I scream, eyes wild and fists clenched.
She seems a tad afraid but hid it under a wicked smile.

"Someone that Sho actually cares about, maybe you should just go back to cleaning like the good little wife you are."
I raise a hand and land a solid slap on her cheek, the force sends her face to the side as I step back chuckling.

"You really what to fucking get it, don't you?"
She looks back at me with small tears gathering in her eyes as a large red print is standing out in her face.

"You know what? Go back and fuck his filthy ass. Maybe the others don't know, but I will always know your a fucking whore, spreading your legs for anyone that has money. So go fuck him all you want, I don't care. Just know that I will fucking obliterate you in this festival, so be prepared bitch."
I snarl loudly before approaching the door behind me, my fists were white with how tight they were clenched.

"Maybe if you had a family that actually cared and didn't abandon you, you wouldn't be involved with his life."
I whirl around a swing a fist right at her face, she narrowly dodges as it grazes her cheek and it gets slammed into the wall.

I pull away fire slowly climbing up my arms, the dent in the wall had small cracks crawling out of it.
The blue lit the hall nicely, the shadows danced against the walls.

"Speak of my family like that ever again and I won't hesitate to fucking kill you."
I glare straight at her, I spin around and walk back to the door ready to get into the room and away from her.
She had small tears in her eyes as she shook lightly, afraid of that killer punch I just delivered.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now