"Is it that one dark coffee?"


"Yeah, I'm just tired, I only got three hours of sleep because I keep thinking a lot of shit rn"


"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes"

Jungkook took off his work uniform and changed into some casual clothing, looking in the mirror before he left, not forgetting to grab his keys.

He drove to a nearby coffee shop to buy Yoongi's iced americano. He was going to buy himself some fast food while he was it, he was hungry.

"Hey hyung, here's your coffee" Jungkook smiled, handing Yoongi the medium sized coffee "Thank you" Yoongi showed a small smile, he invited Jungkook in and they sat on the couch.

"Is it okay if I eat?" Jungkook asked, Yoongi looked up from his phone and nodded "Thank you, here, I brought you some fries" Jungkook said, he always tried to make people happy and tried to be a good friend "Thank you" Yoongi smiled widely.

"I have to dye my hair blonde and go to a photoshoot tomorrow" Yoongi whined before taking another sip of his coffee "Wow, you'll be busy tomorrow" The youngest chuckled, Yoongi nodded and sighed "I have to actually get a good night of sleep so i can manage to wake up at ten in the morning"  Yoongi sighed, Jungkook hummed and took a sip from his soda "I hope everything goes well for you"

Yoongi had started filming and looking through the questions people had left "There's a lot of questions regarding Jungkook, so would you feel comfortable answering them?" Yoongi asked, Jungkook shook his head "How old is Jungkook and will you drop his social medias" Yoongi asked, Jungkook smiled "I'm twenty three, I'll be twenty four in September and I guess if people want to know my socials, you can leave them in the description" The younger boy said, Yoongi nodded with a soft smile, a light blush on his cheeks from staring at the boy for a little too long.

"Love life and any goals for it? Um, I hope to find someone this year, I hope this person is reassuring and can take care of me, sometimes I feel really lonely so I would love it if this person can be like that" Yoongi smiled, Jungkook nodded and hummed, putting on a thinking face before speaking up "I don't really know, I hope the person is cool, just genuinely a good and fun person to be around" Jungkook said, making eye contact with the camera and smiling.

After a few more minutes of discussing and answering questions, they were done. Both of them were satisfied with the video, they got to learn more about each other and they got to bond.

"Now I have to start editing" Yoongi said, Jungkook hummed "Don't overwork yourself, you should just go at your own pace" Jungkook said, showing Yoongi a reassuring smile "I just want people to be happy" Yoongi said as he began to edit "They can still be happy if your video is one day late" Jungkook let out a small chuckle, Yoongi let out a small laugh and shrugged.

"Thank you for hanging out with me, I hope we can hang out again soon" Yoongi smiled as he waved goodbye to Jungkook, Jungkook bowed and smiled "No problem hyung, take care"

It was now around ten at night and Yoongi had started a live so he could communicate with his fans.

"You look so ugly without makeup" Yoongi read, he bit his lip and showed a fake smile. He wore light makeup, it was extremely light. It consisted of tinted lip balm and BB cream, using it made him feel a bit more confident and the fact that someone called him out made him insecure.

"I didn't think anyone would notice, I use it to feel a bit more confident in myself so yeah" Yoongi quietly said, he showed a small smile before looking down "I think I should go to sleep, I have some things to do tomorrow" Yoongi said, turning off the live and flopping on his bed.


"Hyungie, if makeup helps you feel confident, keep doing it. You're beautiful either way, okay? Don't listen to those rude people"


"You saw the live? I guess.."


"Hyungie, you're one of the best looking people I've seen, actually"


"Thank you, you are too. I'm going to go to bed, goodnight Kook"


"Goodnight, sleep well"

A/N: I was hoping to have this chapter out yesterday but I just didn't feel good mentally 🚶‍♀️ Big thank you to httpkhj for keeping me going and being there for me 💆‍♂️💕 QOTD: Write three words to describe yourself in the comments — Vickie 💕

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