I'm PREGNANT! (Final)

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Y/n P. O. V.

"Well...... " He started and I wasn't ready to be slapped by the truth.
So, I asked,
"You denied because I was a bad student and nerd? "
"NO! " He shouted.
"Then? " I said.
"Actually, I thought if I went to a relationship with you then, you wouldn't be so attentive to your studies and you would fail again. And I didn't want you to suffer again like you suffered with your grades in past. The teacher gave you one last time and I didn't want you to loose this chance because of me. " He nearly cried.
I looked at him in awe like how he cared for me.
"It was hard for me too. You don't know how I suffered. How I regretted. How I-" He couldn't finish but end up crying.
"I know, he wouldn't sleep, he wouldn't eat normally. He nearly became a zombie. " Jin said patting Jungkook's shoulder.
"I'm sorry. " I said feeling ashamed of my own self.
"No, don't be. Just say that you love me. Trust me this feels so good. " He said smiling through his tears.
"I LOVE YOU! " I shouted my heart out as I felt my heart alive again. Like it was beating for Jungkook again. It's alive.
He hugged me tightly and said,
"Your lips are too addictive. " He said looking at my lips.
I blushed hard and again looked down. He then lifted my chin up and was about to kiss when Taehyung said,
"Oh guys, please get a room. "
Everyone laughed except me and Jungkook.
"Okay, then. Bye guys. " Jungkook said while pulling me with him.
"Where are you taking her? " Taehyung asked.
"To a room like you said? " Jungkook winked at Taehyung.
"Jungkook? " I said in disbelief.
"Shh.... "

4 years later :

(Listen to the song.... )

Jungkook P. O. V.

"I have to leave early today, cause today's my wife's birthday. " I said as I handed the file to my assistant.
She nodded and asked,
"Did you prepare something special for her? "
"Oh yeah! " I said as I already was feeling excited at how she will react to my surprise.
This is her 1st birthday after our marriage. I'm so excited.
I looked at my clock and saw it's only 5:30 pm.
"Aish, I have to be stuck in this office for 15 more minutes. " I said lazily.
A knock came in my door.
"I'm busy! " I said as I was not interested in any work.
"No time for your brother-in-law? " Taehyung asked and I smiled.
"But how can I know that you came here as my business partner or as my brother-in-law? " I raised my eyebrow.
He just shrugged.

Yes, I work in Kim Company. And Me and Taehyung are business partners. Cool, isn't it??

"Okay, fine. Tell me brother-in-law. " I said.
"So, listen. What did you plan for her? " He asked me.
"Why would I tell you? " I said.
He whined.
"Okay, okay. I planned to surprise her. " I said.
"I know, but what's the surprise? " He asked.
"You wanna know? " I asked.
He nodded vigorously.
"Then listen.... "

Y/n P. O. V.

I was walking back and forth while Jin called me.
"Y/n, you should chill. " He said smiling from ear to ear.
"What if he isn't ready? " I asked.
"Oh c'mon. Who wouldn't? He'll be so happy. Trust me. " He said.
"I trusted you and remember what happened. He denied my first proposal. " I stomped my foot.
"Aigoo. Okay, just chill. It's your birthday. So you shouldn't stress out, okay? " He convinced and I calmed down a bit.
"Let's go then. " Jin said.
"Where? " I asked.
"Secret. " He said and put a blindfold around my eyes.
As we reached there Jin helped me to get off from the car.
"Can you open my eyes now? " I said pleading.
"Nope. " He said.
"Aish. "
After some more walking I felt something weird in my foot.
"Jin! What's this! " I screamed.
"Oh dear, once you open your eyes you will see yourself. " He said calmly. "Wait! Is this grass? " I asked.
But I heard no reply.

Jungkook P. O. V.

I came here with Taehyung and the other guys to prepare everything.
I arranged a small night picnic for her. Which seems like this (Well, kind of. You know expectation and reality...But we tried. ) :

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