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Next morning :

                       Y/n P.O.V.

I woke up from the sunlight and saw me hugging Jungkook.
"Aish, this habit won't change huh? " I said to myself.
Then I saw the most precious thing to start a very good day. Jeon Jungkook's face, let me say it again. Jeon Jungkook's perfectly handsome face.... I saw his face feeling the urge to touch his face. So I slowly touched his cheeks. So soft.....
"You like what you're touching? " Jungkook said causing me to flinch.
He opened his eyes and looked at me.
"N-no! I was just.... " I tried to say as I was embarrassed as hell.
"You pervert! " He said.
"No! I'm not! " I said arguing.
"Oh well I can see that. " He said.
"Then why aren't you leaving your perverted roommate? " I said.
"Cause I'm a pervert too! " He said showing his bunny smile.
What can go better than this in a morning?
"Fine, now let me get up! " I said pushing him.
"Nooooo. "
"Why? "
"Cause I'm going to the bathroom first! " He jumped up at once and ran to the bathroom.
I can hear him laughing from the bathroom.

(20 minutes later)

"Hey, I'm done! You can go to shower now! " He said.
"Okay-" I gasp as I saw him only in bathrobe. He was holding a towel to dry his hair.

He caught me staring at him and said,"What? " Smirk plastered in his face

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He caught me staring at him and said,"What? " Smirk plastered in his face.
"W-hy yo-u d-idn't wea-r y-u-ur        clo-thes! " I said widening my eyes.
"What? I didn't hear you clearly. " He said teasing me.
"Whereisyourclothes?!" I asked.
"What? "

Deep breath Y/n. You know what you already messed up. So don't make it worse now. Okay!

"Why you're only in your bathrobe? Where is your clothes? " I asked finally .....
"Well, I ran up direct to bathroom to take shower first and forgot to take my clothes. " He said smiling like a bunny.
"Aish!! " I said as I got up from bed and made my way to bathroom. Not forgetting my clothes of course!

After taking a shower I wore this:

And put a little powder and lipstick as I'm not a big fan of make up

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And put a little powder and lipstick as I'm not a big fan of make up.

Actually I'm not good at make up..... 😅😅😅😅

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