Say can you trust me?

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                    Jungkook P. O. V.

She started to cry silently. I don't know why but I just pulled her into my arms and let her cry. I felt like protecting her. I felt like I was someone who wants to take care of her, feed her, adore her, love her. What? Not love......

"Hey hey shhh don't cry OK? I'm here! " Jungkook said.
"J-jung(sniff)k-kook I-I (sniff)"
"Just shhhhh cry as much. I won't tell anyone. I have my shoulder not so big but enough for your tears. " Jungkook said while patting her head.
"T-th-ank yo-u J-jungk-oo-k ." Y/n made herself comfortable in his grip.
"Spit it!" Jungkook offered.
"Ssp-it Wha-t?? " Y/n asked confused.
"What you've been dying to share to someone you trust. About your past I guess. "
"Why should I tell you? " Y/n asked.
"Cause I'm the only one here. Who else would you share with? " Jungkook asked with an air of pride.
"Ash. Just forget it. OK? " Y/n said uneasy about the idea of sharing her pain.
"Nooo. Tell me. " Jungkook whined.
"Hmmmm? No! " Desperate to not wanting to share her past.
"Wh-y?? " Jungkook asked softly.
"What if you uhhh never mind! "
"What if I break your trust? " Jungkook tried guessing.
"H-how Di-"
"Just say can you trust me? " Jungkook asked her with a reassuring smile.

                       Y/n P. O. V.

"Just say can you trust me? " Jungkook asked me with a reassuring smile.

Should I just trust him? Oh, I really have severe trust issues. Should I try trusting him. His reassuring smile wants me to reveal my past............

"But should I trust you? " you asked doubtfully.
"Cause somebody told me if you share your pain it lessens. That's why. " Jungkook offered.

Suddenly after a long time I met someone to rely on. It's feels happy and sad. Happy because I'm feeling like I'm not all alone and sad because I'm afraid to loose it.........

"Hey, Y/n? Are you there? " Jungkook asked waiting for my answer.
"Can you handle it? " you asked.
"Hmm. Start! "

Then I told everything I wanted to share for so long to somebody. I was afraid what he will think of me. Will he even tutor me after knowing all of this?
Whenever I broke down he would pay me in back or in my head....... Actually it feels good. Surprisingly it feels light to share the weight you've been dying to get rid of!

"......and then here I am all alone all by myself!" Y/n finished with a big sigh, no tears left to cry.

You were so into your own story that you didn't notice the one beside you.

"Jungkook? "you called his name and noticed him after a damn long time.
"W-why are you crying!? " you asked.
"N-no, I just I -i"
"Hey,  look at me. " You said and cupped his face.
"I'm sorry (crying)"
"Why are you being sorry? Wait are you the son of that businessman. Are you my BROTHER!??????!!! "
"Phabo ya! I'm sorry for you! I didn't know that you went through that lot. You are strong!" Jungkook said the last line with a slight smile.
"Oh, t-thank you! And don't feel pathetic or don't create sympathy for me. " you nearly asked for that.
"OK,  ok. " Jungkook said.

You went to check out the time and.......

"Oh my! " Y/n started.
"What?! " Jungkook asked tensed.
"It's already 8:15 pm !" You said breathlessly.
"It's OK. I'll be off now. See you tomorrow morning. And we will schedule our tuition OK? " Jungkook asked firmly.
"Hmm. Thank you, Jungkook! " you reached for him and hugged him tight.
He was confused and shocked but soon replied to you hug.

I am feeling so warm, maybe a tight hug can make your day better!

"Bye! " you said waving your hand.
"Bye." and with that he left.

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