Ymir's Past

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(AN: This chapter is going to be a flashback written in third person. I honestly want to try my luck at third person writing. Give me feedback on this sorry attempt and enjoy!)

Everything around was white. Sterile halls smelling of bleach and other chemicals worked like a maze around the complex. Metal doors and large tinted windows covered both sides of each hallway. Each door of the lab housed a different experiment.

The scientists were busy at work, on what the brunette had no idea, but they were always rushing around. Each door was locked and could only be accessed with a clearance card that most scientists had clipped to their lab coats.

Other than the occasional scuffle of feet moving on tile, no sound was heard. The small girl would walk the halls every day, trying to regain strength and also to catch a peak at what they were doing. She was never lucky enough to see what was behind the tinted windows and heavy doors, though.

"Ymir, what are you doing?" Her mother asked one morning.

The little girl turned to her mother with innocent curiosity and only asked, "What is behind those doors, mama?"

Her mother, clad in a white lab coat, paled at the child's inquiries. Curiosity was a deadly thing, especially in a lab as dangerous as this one.

She gripped her daughters thin shoulders and squeezed tightly. "You must never go into those rooms. Do you understand, Ymir?!"

"What's in there though?"

"Monsters." And that was that.

Children were curious creatures, but they were also fearful. There was nothing they feared more than the monsters they thought lurked in their closets and under their beds. Too scared to argue, the brunette nodded and went back to her room.

Machines and wires hung around the room and pill bottles lay scattered on the nightstand. Ymir was sick. She had terminal cancer, but instead of going to a hospital for treatment, she took her daughter to her lab. "Only they can cure you" her mother assured.

And they did cure her. Her normal dizzy spells and weak legs disappeared, replaced with a strong, healthy body. Their methods were not orthodox and often left the child feeling ill after treatments, but she was getting better.

The treatments used to be daily, but, as she got better, they started spreading out the treatments. Now she only had a weekly injection and a few pills she was to take daily. Looking at her now, with her tan, freckled skin and bright eyes, no one would be able to tell she had cancer.

"Have you taken your medicine today, sweetie?" A young woman asks when she walks into the room.

The staff had watched the young girl grown up in their lab and had taken a liking to her. Her bright smile would always improve even the grumpiest of scientist's days. The young woman currently in her room was her nurse of sorts.

Ymir nodded at the woman and spoke in quiet whispers, "Jazzy, Mama is mad at me 'cuz I want to see what's in the rooms."

The nurse, Jazzy, pales and a slight tremor goes down her spine. She didn't have the clearance to enter the rooms, but she had an idea what was behind them. Some times she would walk past a door as it was closing and hear terrified and pained screams.

"I doubt she's mad, sweetheart. She just doesn't want you distracting the other scientists. They're really busy and you don't want them to hurt themselves, do you?"

"No, ma'am."

The girl was always raised to be polite and considerate, so she didn't like the idea that her presence could harm someone. She was very curious, but she knew it wasn't her business to pry. Jazzy smiled at the young girl's furrowed brows and ruffled her dark brown hair.

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