Father's Lab Rat

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(AN: AOT is gory and violent so I shouldn't have to put a warning, but I will anyway. Torture and experimentation in this chappie, so be safe and skip if it could trigger you. I love you guys and wouldn't want any of you to get hurt. 💛)

Eren's pov:

Lights flashed and flicked around the blurry room. Reds, blues, and golds swirling around on an invisible breeze. What could be seen of the room was dull steel, shiny grey metal walls glimmering from some light source.

The beeping of machines broke through the ringing in my ears, making me wince at the loudness. One of the machines must have been for monitoring my vitals, because I felt the small pinch of a needle when I moved my arm.

Cool metal touched the heated skin of my bare back and legs. Only my thin boxers kept me from being fully exposed. I heard the small pitter patter of a drip off to the side. Who knew what was slowly flowing through my sore veins.

Everything hurt and throbbed insistently, reminding me of everything that has happened. Without a window, it was impossible to tell how many days had passed, but I'd given up on ever leaving anyway.

Most of what happened was muddled and I couldn't even remember how I got here. Nor do I know where here is. This was the first time I was without the thick black cloth of my blindfold.

After blinking back the tears causing the blurriness, I was able to make out some of my surroundings. From my vantage point, I could see that I was in a metal room with cabinets, a few metal tables, and hospital equipment.

Was I in a hospital? It felt like a smog had covered my mind, leaving me confused and unaware. A cool breeze caressed my hot skin, but did nothing to ease the heat burning me up from within. Sweat dripped down my body, puddling around me on the table.

I was fluttering in and out of consciousness when I heard a door open with a squeal. A groan leaves me as the loud noise causes a painful jab to my temple. Unhurried footsteps approach, but stop at the foot of my table.

"You look like shit." he says with a chuckle.

Run Run Run. My body thrashes against the leather restraints, but they're too tight. The leather chafes at my wrists and ankles until they're raw and bleeding. I would rather be blindfolded and unaware than stare at the sick grin on my father's face.

"Ya miss me, son?" I only glare up at him. "Hmm, is that any way to look at your father?"

I struggle to collect saliva in my dry mouth, but when I do, I spit it directly in his face. He growls and wipes the foamy spit from his face with a look of disgust. A swift punch to my face has my nose crunching and blood spraying across his knuckles.

"Much better."

He walks around the table to the head, just out of my view. My body tenses when I hear the clinking of jars and his soft humming. Last time I was on a metal table, was when I was younger and he had stabbed me.

Cool metal caresses the area around my Phoenix tattoo and the scar hidden beneath. He remembers too... The blade disappears and a large needle comes into view. Liquid gold swirl around in its containment and a small drop falls from the needle's point.

When the drop hits my chest, a scream leaves my throat and I start thrashing again. He grabs my jaw in a bone-crushing grip and turns my head to the side, baring my neck to him—to the needle.

The prick of the needle is nothing compared to the liquid fire that he enters into my bloodstream. I'm melting from the inside out, fire burning my organs and turning my bones to ash. I open my mouth in a silent scream as the acid in my veins burns me out.

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