If the World was Ending

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Eren's pov:

After the gunshot went off, everything went black. Like I had fallen into a raging river, the freezing current kept pulling me further and further down until there was no hope of ever resurfacing. I felt the chill of the water seeping into my already cool skin.

Was I dead? If I was dead I wouldn't be able to feel, would I?

The echo of the shot faded away, leaving a loud ringing that made me want to cover my ears. My body felt heavy, but I knew that I was floating. Warmth surrounded me and started calming the waves into gentle splashes. The cold was still there, but I no longer felt like I was drowning.

There was no white light or numbness. I knew I wasn't dead when voices started arguing and my body got moved around. My head bobbed in and out of the water, only hearing jumbled words and phrases that made little sense.

Shoes crunched on gravel and then quieted to the occasional rustling of leaves. Another, more muffled, shot sounded in front of me, making me flinch internally. But the shot wasn't for me. What was going on?

I was aware to an extent, but I couldn't feel my body or open my eyes. A coldness was stuck on me, freezing me out even with the warmth that was surrounding me yet again. Maybe the chill was dulling my senses and keeping me from feeling my body.

With the pain I remember feeling before I passed out, I can't help but be thankful. The pain left no area untouched and I knew I had broken bones. Grisha had broken my bones and turned my insides into mush. A bullet would have been a mercy.

A soft, feminine voice was speaking in a whisper to someone who was also whispering in a low mumble. I could tell that their conversation was less than friendly by the tension in the air and the silence afterward. My body was slowly swaying in, what I just now realized to be, someone's arms.

I felt their warmth leave me and my body meet something soft, my body sinking into it. When I felt large, calloused hands pulling at my clothes, I started to panic. Did Grisha shoot Levi and take me back? Who is touching me?

No, the hands were too careful and gentle to be Grisha's. They carefully felt along my body, turning me over to repeat the process. Feeling was starting to return to me, static crackling through all my aching limbs. My face was starting to burn, but my torso was cold.

I felt water touch my face and thought I was drowning again, but realized it was damp not dripping. The cool rag was carefully wiping away the dried blood I could feel caked on my face. White, hot pain slashed across my face and I heard an audible crack, making me groan.

I was able to open my eyes to slits, but then the pain pulled me back under. It was too blurry to see anything, but it didn't look like a forest or the metal room. Sleep found my injured body and pulled me into its deep reprieve.

Hunger and anger swept through my small body like a tornado. The pit of my stomach felt hollow, like I hadn't eaten in weeks. The aching of my body wasn't half as bad as the hunger gnawing at my insides. All I knew was that the cold that was slowly climbing up my neck wouldn't go away until I ate something.

My eyes twitched until I was finally able to force them open. Everything was dull and spotty, but I could see that I was in a dark room. Hungry. Hungry. Hungry. All of my thoughts were centered on one thing—food.

I tried to sit up, but something pulled tightly at my arms, keeping me from sitting up fully. Tugging roughly at the rope, I ignore the blood that was slowly seeping from my reopened wounds and continue to thrash against my restraints. If I don't get out before Grisha gets back he'll kill me.

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