My Mistake, pt. 2

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Levi's pov:

When morning came we were quick to pack up the rest of our supplies and get the hell outta there. I carried Eren bridal style while the others stood on either side of me. The lighting was extremely dim, but it's the best way to ensure that no one would see us.

Erwin was waiting at the door with a concerned look and ushered us in quietly. We managed to get up the stairs without anyone waking up, but when we got up there, Eld and Gunther weren't the only ones waiting.

Mikasa and Armin were sitting against the wall, watching us approach. Before we left this morning, I put him in a hoodie, so no one would see his injuries, but they weren't fooled.

"Let me look at his injuries. Is he responsive? Why is he so pale? What did you guys see?" Armin asked, throwing questions at us faster than we could answer.

Erwin placed his hand on Armin's shoulder and the boy quieted instantly. Armin's been here for a long time and I knew how smart the boy was. He might be the best bet when it comes to helping Eren.

I lay Eren on a sleeping bag that had been covered in pillows, and ushered Armin over.

"Deep cuts in his arms, though none needed stitches, thankfully. Stab wound on his stomach, missed all his organs. I sewed it up. And he was surrounded by broken liquor bottles, a lot of them. Possible alcohol poisoning." I say lowly.

Armin nods and gently removes Eren's hoodie, taking in his wrapped arms and stomach. He rests his head against his chest while counting quietly, then turns to me with a shake of his blonde head.

"His heartbeat is too low, so it's not alcohol poisoning, but we've got a bigger problem... How long has Eren been unresponsive?"

"He's been unresponsive since we got there. Why? What do you know, Armin?" I ask, anxiously.

"He doesn't have a fever or accelerated heart rate, so there's no infection, thank the Titans. But... All this being said, he shouldn't be unresponsive. There are many possible reasons as to why, but I'm guessing he's in shock. If that's the case.. He could be like this for a very long time."

Armin gets quieter as he says each piece of new information. The hopelessness of the situation floods the room, making it hard to breathe. Or is that just me? My eyes blur and I feel like I can't get enough air in my body.

"Hey, hey... Levi, I need you to breathe for me, okay? In through your nose, out through your mouth. Copy me—"

Her arms are wrapped around me and she's taking deep breathes to show me what to do. I copy her and sigh in relief when the black in my vision starts to fade. The others are staring at me with concern, even Mikasa.

"Hun, you were just having a panic attack. Why don't you go take a nap and we'll bring you some food in a bit, hmm?" she says quietly.

No, I need to keep an eye on Eren and make sure his condition doesn't worsen. What if he wakes up while I'm asleep?

"Grab your sleeping bag and lay it next to his, so you'll be the first person he sees when he wakes up."

My shoulders relax when she says when he wakes up, instead of if  he wakes up. I nod and place my sleeping bag next to Eren, laying down and turning to where I'm facing him. Sleep might not find me, but at least I can keep an eye on him.

The others all leave us alone, but I pay them no mind, my eyes never leaving Eren's face. His skin is paler than normal, but he looks so peaceful. There isn't a single blemish on his face, which, with how pale he looks, makes his face look like uncut marble.

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