Fireworks vs. Zombies

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You know that game Plants vs. Zombies where you gotta use different plants to defend your garden from zombies? Or whatever? So let me set the scene for you.

Currently, I'm stuck in clouds of colored smoke trying to avoid a stray bullet and zombies. The firework idea was good, but I didn't take into account that while the scientists wouldn't be able to see me, I wouldn't be able to see either.

Not my smartest or safest plan, but can't change it now. So I guess I should go back a bit so you can see what led up to this.

I had finally made it to the zombie farm, though it wasn't really a farm at all. There was a huge white building with lots of windows and it was surrounded by rows upon rows of storage units. Though muffled, the smell of rot was still present in the air.

The storage units were full of zombies if the sounds of snarling and groaning were to be believed. I could see scientists in every open window and there were a lot. Think like ant hill size and then double it.

After coming up with a decent plan you'll find out later, I set up camp in the woods. Early the next morning, I bundled up the firecrackers and lit them, throwing them near the zombie storage cells.

I cover my ears and wait for it to start. BOOM! BOOM! Loud booms and crackling echo throughout the area and I can hear the zombies getting riled up. Scientists start pouring out of the building, but the two guards stay at the door, good...

Two shots and both guards are lying slumped against the wall. I take the keycard and throw some smoke bombs towards the panicking big-heads. The inside of the complex is white and pristine, disgustingly so, and I'm surrounded by long hallways.

After walking around for awhile in the endless hallways, I climb a table and pull myself into the air vents. What?! Who knows when they'll be back and I don't want to be in the open when they do. I pull the lid back up to close me in and start crawling through the vents.

The sound of voices leads me to a large room full of scientists and... Computers bingo! How am I supposed to take out the twenty odd some people in there? They may be scientists but they all seem to be armed with a pistol or a knife.

I mean, I'm skilled but I'm still human... Maybe I could just shoot the computers and leave. No.. Before I destroy the computers I need to see if there are any files on the virus and/or a possible cure.

The doors bust open and I hear a frantic voice, "Sir! Someone set off explosives near the storage units and it agitated the zombies."

"So... Get to the point!"

"They got so agitated that they broke out of their containment and they're headed for us!" the scientist yelled.

The boss, I'm assuming, went up to the man with a scoff and slapped him so hard he collapsed.

"Pull yourself together! I have full control of them with this computer so we're fine."

I quietly lower the vent enough to poke my sniper barrel through and watch the big boss man walk to the biggest computer. It looks very Sci-Fi Divergent-like. You know the first movie where the blonde lady, who wears all those ugly blue suits, has a weird computer screen to control the Dauntless.

Yeah, it's like that! Before the boss man can fix what I accidentally did, I shot the computer. The screen spiderwebbed and faded to black, causing a few scientists to scream and flee.

I quietly pulled the vent back into place and started crawling to find an outside vent exit. The sound of groaning and screaming filled the halls and I caught brief sights of the carnage I caused. No time to think about it now.

Zombie Fodder(Riren/Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now