Cabin in the Woods

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"Shut your mouth before you catch flies." Eld chuckles and pats me on the back.

Shutting my mouth, Petra drags me inside and gives me a tour. Upon entering, the left is a big kitchen area with lots of counters and cabinets. And on the right, is a table that could hold at least eight people.

You know the scene in The Hobbit, where all the dwarves pile into Bilbo Baggins's hobble and eat all his food. The table looked big enough to hold all those hairy slobs. I really am a nerd, geez...

Farther in, the rest of the large, open room is a lounging area. There are couches and chairs placed near an actual fireplace. A real one, not one of those fake ones you see in retirement homes. A small spurt of excitement fills me when Petra shows me the three bookcases full of books. So many in one place...

Petra grabs my arm and pulls me into a hallway near the middle of the room, on the right. I never even noticed it. How big is this cabin? Down the hallway are four doors, two on each side of the wall.

At the end of the hallway is a storage closet with stuff like, tennis rackets, board games, etc. She explained that this was a cabin they found during the initial outbreak that they would sometimes visit to relieve stress.

I was led to the room I'd be staying at and stood there in confusion.

"Umm... Petra? There's only four rooms."

"Oh yeah, no worries! Eld and Gunther usually share a room and.. I guess I'll have to share a room with Levi. We'll be in the room next to you, so feel free to knock if you need anything."

Nodding, I quickly shut myself in my room and collapse on the comfy bed. Their room will be next to mine. That means if they fuck, I'll have to hear them. Ughhhhh! I start twirling one of my knives in my hand and staring at the ceiling, getting lost in thought.

"Come on, Eren. Dinner time." Eld says, before walking off, leaving my door open.

I hate when people do that! Like, how hard is it to shut the door behind you, you get me? I make my way to the already set table and plop down next to Gunther. He likes to joke around a lot, but he can also be the most serious person here, if it's needed.

Petra sets a, get this, cooked roll and some sliced cheese on each of our plates, while Eld gives us each a steaming bowl. My stomach growls as I look at the delicious, cooked food in front of me. What's in the bowl?

I pull the bowl to me and instantly cringe away from it. I'm not a picky eater, but I told you how much I hate corn. Why did it have to be corn, of all things? Shit, I hope they don't expect me to eat it.

We dig into our food and they occasionally converse and joke around. Levi and I are the only ones not talking. Wow, we have something in common! I had finished my plate and was just playing with the sweet corn in the bowl.

It looked so disgusting, all mushed and a snot yellow color.

"Quit picking at your food, brat. You're acting like a child."

"You're not my dad, so I'd rather you leave me be."

"Yeah, well maybe your dad should've taught you manners, brat!" he says sternly.

I'm fucking done with his attitude! He knows nothing about me and then tells me that dad should've taught me manners! If only he knew. Anger boils within me as I glare at him and then it disappears, gone just as quickly.

It doesn't matter anyway. Numbness seeps into my very bones and I just push my bowl away, walking back into my room without another word. None of them would understand.

Zombie Fodder(Riren/Ereri)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant